[DEVLOG] #1 | The Elevator

The Elevator Devlog #1

Hello! My name is LuckyEcho and I am starting on a new Horror game. I plan to work on this for a few months, so if you are interested make sure to keep checking back! The reason I made this game, is because I’ve made tons of games before, but never put much effort into them. I realized that if I took my time building a game, it’s a lot better. I am a really advanced scripter with over 5+ years of knowledge of scripting. I don’t want to make a copy and paste Horror game, because every horror game on roblox is the same. So, I hope that this originial idea that I came up with will help stop the trend of these bad 6am games. I am planning to make this game will be extremely polished, and really well made hopefully. Anyway, the goal of the game is to get to the bottom of elevator shaft. So, you spawn in a elevator, each floor that you go to requires you to find a key to advance to the next floor. You also have to make sure to find drinks that will replenish your sanity. If you aren’t able to keep your sanity up, you will start seeing illusions and it may result in death. You might be asking, where is the horror part? Well, some rooms will spawn in a monster. The lights in the elevator go out, and in the room. Your goal in these rooms is to find a power switch, and a key to advance. You have to be careful though, you sure don’t want the monster catching you!

If you have any suggestions to make this game more scary, please tell me. As just a monster may not be enough. I plan to add jumpscare’s as you open a door maybe, and also shadow figures that just seemingly appear and disappear.


The scripting is done all by me. The animations are done by my good friend @Neon_Edged . He has 3 years of animating experience, and is doing all of the animations for free! Hooray!

Models are made by me and @Neon_Edged .
Textures are made by me and @Neon_Edged .

Sounds for now will probably be from Roblox.

The Viewmodel

This was the first thing that I set out to make, as I knew this would be the hardest. I’ve never made a FPS game before, so I’ve never used a viewmodel. After a lot of scripting, and errors, and data loss. I finally was able to make a working viewmodel. Luckily, since my camera has bobbing, I didn’t have to add a spring to the arms to make them look like they are bouncing around! Nice! This viewmodel is a rig, and can be animated in Blender, so hopefully my friend @Neon_Edged can animate them for me.

The Flashlight

After adding the viewmodel, I decided to tackle the flashlight. I had to add texturing to the flashlight light to make sure it looks good, and I also had to make animations and a model. After around 10 minutes in Blender, I was able to whip up a flashlight model! After another 5 minutes, I baked them and slapped them into Roblox. After another couple hours of trying to get Motor6D’s to work. I was finally able to do it. The flashlight turning on and the sound is synced to the animation!

@Neon_Edged is creating a animation right now, I will update in [Devlog] #2

Using the flashlight:

The Sprinting System

So next, I decided to add a sprinting system. I might remove this later, as it doesn’t really fit the feel of the game. Anyway, I just implemented a simple stamina system, with an exhausted state where you are even slower. This was pretty simple to make. I couldn’t come up with any UI for the sprinting system, so it’s just white. If you have any suggestions on the UI, please tell!

The Camera System

In my opinion, the way the camera moves is the MOST important aspect of a horror game. So, I implemented camera sway, smooth camera rotation, and camera bobbing. The camera bobbing is still in progress as I am not smart enough to figure out the math yet. So if anybody wants to help with that, it would greatly be appreciated.

The camera system took a while to make, but I think it’s pretty smooth. All that is left is making the view bobbing better, it’s barely noticeable.

(Roblox 10MB video limit is bad for me :frowning: )

The Elevator

I decided next to add the elevator, so I first started out with just a box, then I decorated it with a wooden interior. The elevator is definitely not finished yet, as I need to make it look perfect. It is the most important building of the game, since the player has to go in it so much. Anyway, I threw together some wood after inspiration on other elevator’s, and here it is!

I added a window inside the elevator, since I am going to make it look like it’s moving down. You can kind of see the pulleys inside the picture!

Random Room Generation

I knew this would probably be the hardest part of the game. So I also decided to get started on this. I basically have blank rooms inside a folder, my script uses a Weight system to choose a random room based on a percentage of chance. It then pivots the room to the elevators entrance. Then it loops through all of the door areas inside the room. There is a 1 in 2 chance a room will spawn. If it doesn’t spawn, it deletes the door area. If it does spawn, it grabs a random room from another folder that holds what I call the “OffsetRooms”, it uses the same Weight system to choose a random OffsetRoom, and pivots it to the spawn area. Then it makes a union in the wall, with a system that saves the textures placed on the wall, and finally it clones a door and places it in the spawn area. Took me a while to figure out all of the system, but it works really well! Check out a bigger video of it below.

I will be adding WAY more rooms later. This game is still in very early Alpha.

Right now I have it to respawn a room every 10 seconds. I haven’t added a key yet!

The Door

I need a door of course, to separate the rooms! So I went into Blender and modeled a simple metal door model. I then pasted it into studio and used the Roblox Metal texture for it. I then added a hitbox to it, so that when the player hits the hitbox it opens the door. The door’s stay open for the player, just so they know they have already been in that room. I then added a Pivot Block to the door, this makes sure that it gets placed in the correct position on the door areas.

The room regenerates so that’s why the door disappears at the end!

The Animations

The animations were made beautifully by @Neon_Edged . He did really good on these. Now we have a sprinting animation, a walking animation, and a idle animation. I personally love these, they might get some minor reworks in the future, other than that; they are perfect!




Here I want to make a poll, I want to know if you think this could turn into a good game! Please feel free to leave your honest opinion in the reply's.

Please do not joke around on this, these polls results will determine if I really want to put a lot of time and money into this!

  • The game will be very successful with hard work and determination.
  • The game will be somewhat successful with hard work and determination.
  • The game will be not successful with hard work and determination.

0 voters

TL;DR: I added a flashlight, a viewmodel, a sprinting system, a camera system, animations, doors, the elevator, and random room generation.

What I next to add next:

(This is not all I'm adding)
  • Add random generation key.
  • Make elevator doors that open and close.
  • Decorate the rooms and make more of them.
  • Fix the lighting to look better.
  • New flashlight animation.
  • Make the elevator look like it’s moving, and touch up the inside with a display of buttons and text.
  • Start advertising the game on my youtube.
  • Add sanity.

That’s all for today, thank you for reading the whole post if you get to the end. If you would like to help with the development of this game, you PM on the DevForum. If you wanna help support the game getting new assets and getting better, feel free to drop a little donation on Pls Donate.

If you have ANY feedback please tell me it, even if it is criticism. I would really love to hear other people’s feedback. I really hope that this game is going to be a good one. If you wanna keep up with the updates please join my community server, which is located in my primary group, or wait for the next devlog, or view my youtube channel which is called, “LuckyEcho”.