DevLog 2 》RoStats - Stats For You!

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Hello I am @NamelessGuy2005! This is my second DevLog of RoStats. Before we get into the devlog I want to re-introduce this project.

RoStats, will be a website where you can see stats of different roblox developers, such as

  • Discord and Roblox account names and profile pictures
  • Skills (Development Fields - scripting, building, modelling, etc) ranked into 4 levels
  • Status Tags - preset statements that a developer can apply onto their profile (for hire, not for hire, hiring, not hiring)
  • Indicators - a message on a developer’s profile that states the trustworthiness of said developer

Okay, now that everyone is caught up with what the website is now lets get into the updates I have made to the website.

Change 1: New Backend Framework!

As of the first devlog, I was using something called Flask to manage the backend of my site. Flask is a light-weight system that is intuitive and easy to use. (BTW: If you don’t know any of these words then google them :slight_smile: )

Now I am using something called Django, which is a fair more complicated and modular system. You might ask why I switched since Flask is so easy and intuitive. Django is more secure than Flask and is better suited for the websites use-case. In this scenario the pros outweigh the cons significantly since security is a big priority for me.

Change 2: New Navigation Bar!

I thought the old status bar needed to change, so I changed it :)!

Old Navigation Bar

New Navigation Bar

New Navigation Bar - Search

On the old navigation bar the “Search Users” button would take you to a separate webpage - now its done through the navigation bar itself :)!

New Navigation Bar - Hover On Button

Change 3: New Profiles!

The old profile page looked a bit cluttered and messy, so I changed it to look better.

Old Profile - Discord And Roblox Account! (it also has the old navigation bar)

Old Profile - Roblox Account! (it also has the old navigation bar)

New Profile - Discord And Roblox Account! (it has the new navigation bar and showcases skills, skills were also in the old profile)

New Profile - Roblox Account! (it has the new navigation bar and showcases skills, skills were also in the old profile)

Change 4: Ability To See Both Of A Users Profile Pictures

Previously, if you went on a developers profile who had both Roblox and Discord linked, you could only see their discord profile picture.

Now when you hover over a developers profile picture (provided they have both their roblox and discord account linked) you can click to alternate between profiles. Heres a laggy GIF as a demonstration:

Anyways time to do the poll! How should developers get the skills they deserve?

Option A: they submit an application that gets voted on by a team of developers will the same skill(could take a while for the user to get the skill - the skill could be more accurate)

Option B: they submit an application that gets voted on by a team of developers (who may not all have the same skill they are reviewing - developer should get the skill within a few hours - the skill could be less accurate)

Option C: they submit an application that gets sent to a public page in the website, the community then votes on what skill they get (its more inclusive as its essentially the community giving skills to the community).

How should skills be given?
  • Option A
  • Option B
  • Option C

0 voters

I have a discord server for the project if anyone wants to join.


Honestly for option B I see a lot of people misinterpreting things thinking a supercomplex builds being easy because “it’s just parts lol” for option A you might have elitist people saying “oh that isn’t hard, you don’t get it” and stuff like that. Option C is all of these but worse. I’d say option A is the clear winner though you may need to change some stuff up.


I agreed, Option C will be so bias considering you can get your friends to vote for you.


Plus you could possibly have people trolling or people not understanding how hard it is.


I like it! Is there already a site or will we have to wait?

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oh the site hasn’t released yet! Im planning on releasing it in a month! :slight_smile:


:slight_smile: ok! Can you message me on the devforum when it comes out if possible? You don’t have to if you don’t want to I’m just very interested in it!

check discord by the way it’s important


I’ll be making another devlog when it comes out. (also if I remember ill message you when it comes out)


K thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile: epic

When do you think we can get some form of beta version of this? I’m excited! :grin:

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BETA tests will start mid march - it will be released at the end of march

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I think with option A-B is good, C can be easily abused. With friends or even bots spamming votes.

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UPDATE: BETA testing for the website will occur early to mid march. The website will release late march. :slight_smile:


My birthday is in March, this will be like a mini birthday present :smiley:

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hello everyone! RoStats has officially released:

Do I have to enter my email? I don’t feel comfortable doing that on a site from a random forum user.

Some users had the same concern and they resolved this by creating a new email address. I can assure you that the website is secure as it can be. All sensitive data such as passwords and emails are hashed and encrypted.