Devlog 2: zjenga

Well I’ve made the block generation which is a bit harder than u think with rarities and such.

Ignore the end part that’s me discovering a bug​:sob::sob:

also some UI

I also updated the map and added more stuff lie the arrows and also am planning to fix the glass over there for game design purposes u will see next time

will give updates as fast as possible but the game is currently being worked on by our only pc which is like 10 years old no joke. playing any game on here literally goes at 10 fps with lowest graphics and whatever. plus im working on the game fully by my self. Videos btw are taken by my ipad for why its quality is semi decent.

any donations are greatly appreciated cuz i have like no money rn and i need to sponsor this game to atleast get 50-100 players.
donations game thing :slight_smile:


This game looks interesting. Good work on the vehicle selection surface gui thing

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Nice bro! Keep posting updates man! I wanna see more!! :smiley:

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