Devlog #3 (2) | Cubeity

Already made this post, but it got removed for I don’t know what reason. To my KinitoPet inspired game, found a way to predict user’s gender with an AI by searching for badges, favourited games, descriptions of games, packages, and descriptions from DevForum and Roblox, now just need to put it into my game.
Added weather detection.

(To everyone that doesn’t get why I’m making this gender prediction, the game is like KinitoPet. I don’t know how many people will get scared from knowing their gender, but it’s still something you don’t see everyday, a game knowing your gender.)

Ehem, as a very smart person consider yourself about to get talked!
Male and Female ARE NOT GENDERS!!!
They are a word that I cant say most likely, but what is gender you ask? Gender is how we identify, like I am a girl, ones brother is a boy, etc.

Anyhow keep up the good work! The games lookin good.

(not trying to start ideological debate)

The definition of ‘gender’ is changing, so nobody can agree upon a correct one for everyone.

I’ll go more in depth about how this system works:

The badges thingy detects the game of the badge, and using the AI it’ll analyze if the description + name is leaning more towards men or women.

Favourited games will get names, creators, descriptions, badges and playerbase. For example, the AI could argue if it has a heart it’s more femenine, though they will always be exceptions.

Packages is simple, just searches for woman/man torso.

Descriptions from DevForum and Roblox are also easy. You can argue that somebody with the description “:nail_care:I love my boyfriend :nail_care:” is a woman, because men don’t usually use the nails emoji.

If it fails on any of these, it will assume the player is a male, and then use the emergency system which is essentially some questions, like “What do you think of men sitting with legs crossed?” or “Do you think women like football or reading a book more?”

(AI obviously has bias)


Oh btw in DevForum I think you can say sexes

oh, well you can never be to careful lol