Devlog #7 |Cubeity

After months of hard work procrastination, I’ve made some amazing work;

It now detects your location! Very glad of this. (for some players)

Also, this detects your actual email - not if you have one, BUT the actual name of the mail - and knows what services you’re using, through Holehe. (for some players)

I’ve added some requests, such as:

Not really, but kinda :sweat_smile: It now plays a knocking sound, which a player could think it’s from their house. It works by abusing the stereo sound system, only playing sounds through the right ear.

:cold_face: Bye!


Can I try a beta version of this game?

Currently not, as it’s a barebones version and isn’t stable.

I need to see if it knows I have a p___ account

Lololol jk

:skull: Holehe detects that