DevReece Portfolio

Hello DevForum, My name is Reece and I have been developing on Roblox for about 2 years as a builder. I am still practicing and increasing my skills today but I thought I would showcase some things on the dev forum as a portfolio for later purposes.

Apocalypse World of Supernatural, Made in my free time but didn’t put lots of details into it since not much of it was shown in the show. The show is called Supernatural.

Lucifers Cage In Supernatural, Sorry I wasn’t able to get a better picture as by the time I looked back at the photo I deleted the map


Supernatural Purgatory, Again not lots shown in purgatory except for a forest, small lake, and leviathan Flowers.

Supernatural Heaven Dungeon

Not Open for hire, sorry :slight_smile: Just showcasing

You’re missing a lot of details for your portfolio such as ways of contact, availability, and commission prices.

I’m pretty sure he just had it for showing people what he had done, not commissions.

Indeed he is, as It isn’t stated as “Open”, or Prices aren’t listen.

That’s kind of the point of a portfolio.

Thanks for the mention, I am not open to hire and have added that im not to it.

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