DevTech inc. { HIRING}

Hi everyone!
My name is KossmoZ, I’m new to the “development team” side of ROBLOX as have often worked solo on projects since 2008.

Who are we?
DevTech inc. Is a newly founded Development team, working on new game franchises at given oppurtunities.

Who’s in the team?
Currently, it’s only myself. However I’m looking to expand the members and initially build from the ground up with help of others.
I myself am a moderately leveled coder and builder. I’m looking for:

~ Another coder.

~ 3D Modeler / Builder.
~ GUI / UI Designer.

What’s the Payment like?
Due to variations in pay depending on projects, this will be discussed privately at a more appropriate time.

If in any way you are interested in this project below, feel free to contact me via Dev messenger or ROBLOX messages.

Thank you.

What’s the project?
As of 2019, a SciFi based game has been under development tiltled: StarBound

StarBound is a space-exploration based game where Players have the option to either Command their own vessel or join other Players as a Crew member as they voyage through space.

The Players have the opportunity to take part in Events, Missions or even PvP throughout their explorations whilst also being able to visit available planets.

Captains of vessels will have the ability to choose their crew members uniform via a customization UI.

Ontop of this, Ships data, weapons systems and so forth will be upgradeable through either missions or purchasing in-game using the games currency.

Whilst set-designed ships will be available in the games initial release, in the future I plan to enable full customization of the ships interior. This includes: Corridor, Room and cockpit placements.


Can you tell more about what specific jobs do? All of us are developers but in our special way.
We don’t want like you hire a builder because you think he can build but what if he specialized in one specific field? For example, the builder you hire can only build a Sci-Fi lab but you told him to make a Sci-Fi cafe or future landscape which he never specialized in. So please be more accurate whenever you making a topic. We don’t want to keep people questioning.

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Specializing isn’t a necessity as improvement is always possible.

So for example, a 3D modeller may need to design a ships outer shell, whilst also potentially working on a gun design.

This is only a template for the start of this team which I intend to expand overtime, introducing those that ‘specialise’ in their own fields.

Do you have Discord?
It’ll be easier to contact you there.

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I script, if you could contact me on discord that would be great as it would be much easier to communicate.

Hiring is still open.
Currently got 3 Developers.

Hi, I’m interested to apply as a UI Designer. you can contact me through Discord or Twitter.
Discord: Pixel#1006

Are you actually incorporated? If so can you send me your incorporation status page?

Low poly or high poly. Which are you looking for?

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Hey there! First of all, welcome to the “Developer Team” side of things! Second off, I was wondering if you had any intentions of hiring community relations and/or project manager(s)? If so, feel free to DM me at any time as I am very capable of leadership and managing.

Personally I think you should change the games name, as Starbound is already a popular sci-fi themed game outside of Roblox.

Do you need a composer for your game, I’m quite well versed in Sci-Fi OSTs

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