DevvNexus's Low-Poly Asset Pack

Hey! My name is devvnexus. If you never heard of me before I am a new developer who builds, models, and does UI! I have put together a small asset pack of some un-used assets and new assets that I put together to help people who cant afford devs.

The only thing that I ask is for you to credit me in your game description. Enjoy!

These assets are not to be sold to anyone else, these are free assets to be used in games and NOT TO BE SOLD.

Picture Of The Asset Pack

Asset List

  • Chest
  • Mushrooms
  • Rocks
  • Trees
  • Fence
  • Egg Incubator
  • Cactus
  • Portal
  • Terrain

Link to the asset pack DevvNexus’s Low Poly Asset Pack

If you have any questions about usage or anything about the asset pack, feel free to contact me on Twitter Here


looks cool. good stuff guy :+1:


I don’t feel like using X so im replying here

Is credits required for this?

im asking if this is optional though

I dont think so, he said he want it so …

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It isn’t optional, please credit me in the game’s description or in game! Thank you.

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I simply hate crediting, the description has a character limit of 1000 and I oftentimes put it to 965 characters or something, I know I can make a bulletin board topic for credits like how Adopt Me did it, but I hate making #bulletin-board topics (sometimes I do that), and I don’t want to clutter up my workspace and my UI