Today I made a simple multipurpose module for a “dial” display. This module can be used on both ends (server/client).
This can be used as a timer, countdown, display, ect.
The numbers are automatically padded, meaning if you have 3 slots, and the number you are trying to display is 15, the number will display as 015
instead of 150
If the number you are trying to set the display to is higher than it can display it will change every number to 9.
Click here to access the repository and source code
local DialModule = require(DialDisplay)
local Dial =
3, -- (number) The number of slots. (REQUIRED)
0, -- (number) The inital number required. (REQUIRED)
OBJECTS_PARENT_HERE, -- (Instance) The desired parent of the dial interface (REQUIRED), -- (UDim2) The desired position
nil, -- (number) the desired X padding per slot. (Set to nil to use default)
nil, -- (TweenInfo) the tween info used for updating the slot. (This is the flip animation)
DialModule.update(Dial, -- Dial
15 -- The number you want to display. With 3 slots this is expected to show up as "015"
-- If the number is higher than it can display it will change every number to 9
-- This is shown as: 10 ^ slotsNum - 1