Dialogue Module - Customizable

This module is in on going rework


This is a simple dialogue module where you just insert texts(For buttons, names and the text) and actions for the buttons;


https://i.gyazo.com/f58abd359d219ea486860d1807839c85.mp4 - dialogue with buttons and name;
https://i.gyazo.com/fc13f7e5633e2c6a98bb494a4db22493.mp4 - dialogue button press with another dialogue;
https://i.gyazo.com/36c4aa03faa3e7e92c8d86243f64e539.mp4 - press button to close dialogue;
https://i.gyazo.com/ab4ae38fdee2a3083c608a295b60fda1.mp4 - dialogue without button.

Known bugs/glitchs/errors

  1. We can see in the videos above that some texts are overlapping others;
  2. Spamming trigger in the start of the dialogue may close and open it breaking buttons;


It contains the module(ChatGuiModule), a settings module, a example(ChatGuiScript) and a place holder gui.

You can also test it here: DialogueTest - Roblox


  1. The gui can be totally customizable;(Sort of)
  2. Insert callback numbers to specify actions;
  3. Etc…

How to use

Before using the module you have to use the setup function:


This will set objects to variables;

module.maketext("Hello!","Hi!","What?","Bye",1,1,0,"Cube") - maketext(DialogueText,Button1Text,Button2Text,Button3Text,Button1Action,Button2Action,Button3Action,NPCName)

This will start a dialogue, if you don’t put a name(make it nil) the name box will not appear, the numbers are callback;

module.maketextandclose("Hello noobs!",2,"Block") - maketextandclose(DialogueText,Seconds to close,NPCName)

This will start a dialogue but without buttons and will close after ??? seconds;


When a dialogue is open use this function to close it;

module.closeandmaketext("Haha, thanks for coming!","No Problem!","Hehe","Bye",2,2,0,"Block") - closeandmaketext(DialogueText,Button1Text,Button2Text,Button3Text,Button1Action,Button2Action,Button3Action,NPCName)

When a dialogue is open use this function to erase the text and open another one;

There’s a settings module inside the main module where you can change some settings;

Coming soon: Custom text actions when appearing(easier to change) and after effects(like shaking text)

I hope you like it, feedback is always welcome,

. Thanks, agiotabm.


Woah! Haven’t checked this out for myself as of yet but, I’ve been looking forward to seeing something like this come up. Thank you!! :hugs:

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You’re welcome! Hope you like it, when you test remember to feedback!

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very cool i like the animations for the text ui entering and exiting along with the text showing up

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