Diamanté Theatre | Public Handbook

:clapper::performing_arts:Diamanté Theatre | Public Handbook :performing_arts: :clapper:

:wave: Welcome to Diamanté Theatre’s official Public Handbook!

This document has been made for our current game which is: Version 1. In this document, we will be providing you with our community guidelines as well as information about our group and rules.

:interrobang: What is Diamanté Theatre?

Diamanté Theatre is a virtual theatre on the ROBLOX platform that offers its people an unforgettable experience! From becoming a barista, being a technician, to even acting in shows, our wide range of job options allows its users to freely deliver what they are good at in so many fantastic and creative ways.

:clipboard: Important Information


Here at Diamanté Theatre, we have guidelines that all members of our community must follow, alongside of course the ROBLOX guidelines. We seek to provide a safe, friendly, delightful, and welcoming environment for our community. Violating these rules will result in consequences and possibly the removal of your rank.

  1. Be respectful to everyone.
  2. Follow and adhere to all Roblox guidelines.
  3. Exploiting is not permitted and consequences will occur.
  4. You may use capital letters. However, please don’t be disrespectful or spam.
  5. Abusing F3X Tools (Building Tools) is not permitted. If you are caught abusing, consequences will occur.
Warning System

Here at Diamanté Theatre, we expect everyone to follow our regulations at all times. If any guest or audience member chooses to break these regulations, the following warning system will be used:

• Verbal Reminder - A verbal reminder will be given out reminding you to follow our rules and be asked to stop.

• Warning - If you continue you will be warned and kicked from the server.

• Server/Game Ban - If you return and continue not to stick to our rules you shall be banned from the server.

In severe cases, such as exploiting, you will not receive any reminder or warning and will be banned instantly with the chance of receiving a permanent game ban.

How do I get a Job?

If you wish to work at Diamanté Theatre, there are some things that you must do first.
• Firstly, you must join the group. After joining our group, you must then join our Staff Application game and successfully pass the application. If you have successfully passed it, you will automatically be ranked to Trainee!

• After becoming a trainee, you will need to attend a training session. We have * scheduled sessions a day, and up to * scheduled ones on weekends. Any changes to this will be announced on our Communications Server and the group shout. If you’d like to find our session times, they can be found either in the Training Center description, the ‘Training Times’ section within this handbook, or #・session-announcements in our communications server.

• Please make sure that you join at least 5 minutes earlier to guarantee you a spot.

  1. After this, when the session begins, the host will state vital information. It is crucial for you to pay attention and read everything stated by the host during this time. After the host has stated the rules, and trainers have gone to their stations, you will be teleported to your room.

  2. There are three sections to a training session:
    • The introduction section would come first, where you will be required to state your greeting.
    • The next section would include trolling, where your trainer or assistant would come up to you and pretend to be a Troller.
    • The last section would be different depending on what rank you are training for. If you are training for an Artist role or stage builder you will be judged on how good your building skills are with F3X.

• If you pass all of these with 2 or more points, your host or co-host will rank you to the next rank, meaning you have successfully joined the staff team.

Training Times

We run trainings every 2 hours in the mornings, every 3 hours in the evenings. (In EST)
• 12AM EST // 5AM BST
• 2AM EST // 7AM BST
• 4AM EST // 9AM BST
• 6AM EST // 11AM BST
• 8AM EST // 1PM BST
• 10AM EST // 3PM BST
• 1PM EST // 6PM BST
• 4PM EST // 9PM BST
• 7PM EST // 12AM BST
• 10PM EST // 3AM BST

Is your time zone not listed here? No need to worry, here is the link to a time zone converter so you can find out when the next training is for you.
:link: Dateful Time Zone Converter

Rank Details


Below you will find all non-confidential details on each individual rank and their responsibilities.

X | Noted Audience
Noted Audience members are members of our group who are either alliance representatives or are former management+. They are respected for their contributions, and we thank them for their support.

X | Trainee
Trainees are people who have passed the quiz in the application centre and are in need of attending training to become a staff member. They are just one step away from providing top service to our guests!


3 | Barista
Those who work behind the bar provide snacks and drinks for our guests to enjoy. They serve behind the counter taking orders and making drinks. As a staff member, they can now enter the lounge and have access to a few staff tools.

4 | Technician
Technicians are responsible for controlling our lighting system during plays and also adding effects. They have access to the technician room where they can do their job accordingly.

5 | Actor
Actors are those who help bring the show to life! They take the stage with their excellent skills and perform in shows like no other. Their talent takes the hearts of the audience and they are honoured greatly for it. They have access backstage where they can prepare for the show.

6 | Costume Designer
Costume Designers provide the outfits that actors will wear and help in building the characters of the play. They have access to the designer hub where they can be creative and sketch out what it is they want the actor to wear and then show the performers once they’re finished.

7 | Set Designer
Set Designers have access to btools, which can be used to build sets and overall bring the stage alive. However, they do not have access to any admin commands, so do not get confused by this! This is the final low rank you can obtain via training. You should also note that you must be this rank in order to be eligible for Show Director.

8 | Show Director
Show Director is the final low rank, which you can get by obtaining points. Points can be earned by doing things such as mopping spills, serving behind the bar, and spending time in game. Point farming is prohibited, so be mindful of that. Show Directors are responsible for leading the show and managing things like roles in the story they direct. They are completely in charge of things like the theme of the play and the characters. No, they do not act or participate by being on stage, but instead they manage everything that goes on behind the scene. Do not confuse them with our management team though! Show directors are also eligible to apply for a management rank and a corporate rank via applications.

X | Management Intern
Management Interns aren’t exactly low ranks, but aren’t middle ranks either; Management Intern is a trial rank. People in this position will be trained and tested on their abilities and skills on how to become a management team member. Only Show Directors are eligible to apply. Management Interns have no access whatsoever to admin, so do not mistake them for being a management member. Applications for this open every now and again, so apply where possible.


9 | Theatre Assistant
Theatre Assistant is the first middle rank there is. They will have admin, which they use to kick and ban trollers. They can not pban (permanently ban) anyone, so you would need to seek a higher rank if you have an exploiter issue. The job of a theatre assistant is to help low rank staff with their duties and responsibilities, guiding them to success. You can ask them any questions you have regarding the theatre or low rank jobs. Theatre Assistants can assist in trainings, but can not train yet.

10 | Theatre Supervisor
Theatre Supervisors are responsible for monitoring and supervising the theatre. If they see a low rank or guest breaking any rules, they have the job of dealing with it. Additionally, they have the role of training in the training centre. However, they have no permission to host. Can be obtained via promotions.

11 | Assistant Manager
Assistant Managers are responsible for monitoring and supervising the theatre as well as banning exploiters. If they see a low rank or guest breaking any rules, they have the job of demoting them. Additionally, they have the role of training in the training centre which means they must give feedback to their assistants who are the first MR rank ( Theatre Assistant). However, they have no permission to host. Can be obtained via promotions.

12 | General Manager
General Managers are similar to Assistant Managers but they are allowed to Host Trainings. Before hosting a training, they must co-host 1 training before they cant actually host by themselves. General Manager’s are responsible for monitoring and supervising the theatre as well as banning exploiters/constant trollers. If they see a low rank or guest breaking any rules, they have the job of demoting them.

13 | Executive Assistant
Executive Assistants is the second High Rank role. EA’s are allowed to observe trainings and are expected to give feedback to the host of the session. EA’s are responsible for monitoring and supervising the theatre. They also are able to give permission to GM+ to ban for anyone who is breaking the rules.

14 | Board of Executives
Board of Executives is the last High Rank. They have permissions to perm ban, ban and even give recommendations for promotions and new potential middle ranks. They are able to promote hardworking Low Ranks. Board of Executives are allowed to observe trainings and must observe the host’s if it is their first trainings.

15 | Corporate Intern
Corporate Intern is the first Senior High Rank position, they have permissions to decorate the training centre and bakery. They do NOT need to use grammar! This rank is only given to those people who have been recommended by a Leadership Member or if they have passed the recent applications.

16 | Corporate Assistant
Corporate Assistant’s are members of a department who has shown dedication and have been active in a department. Corporate Assistant’s are responsible for dealing with tickets and any concerns a management member or staff member may have.

17 | Junior Corporate
Junior Corporates have all the features of the previous rank, but directly assists Senior Corporate+. They announce all important information and help in supervising in their respective departments.

18 | Senior Corporate
Senior Corporates have all the features of the previous ranks, but they are co-leads of the department they work in.
19 | Developer
Developers are contributors who help build and script our games, this role is rarely given out unless we need developers for our newest games.

20 | President
President is our first Leadership Member role. This role is reserved for our leads of a department. Presidents are responsible for leading the department as well as looking out for potential new management members.
21 | Vice Chairperson
This position is reserved for wolhabithowl and 24kVibezWithMarian who are the overseers of the Public Relations Departemnt/Operations Department. They work alongside, jmxxxxxx to run this group!
22 | Chairman
This position is reserved for jmxxxxxx who is the founder and owner of Diamante Theatre. They are responsible for running the whole group and overseeing both departments.

Our Recipe Guide

This recipe guide gives you the correct recipe to making our items at our bar in the game. Below you will find a list of recipes for each of the items we server:

Smoothie Recipe:
Smoothie Cup → Ice → Milk → Flavour → Blend

Coffee Recipe:
Cup Size → Coffee

Slushy Recipe:
Slushy Cup Size → Flavour → Lid → Straw

Soda Recipe:
Soda Cup Size → Water → Carbonation → Flavour → Sweetener → Lid → Straw

Popcorn Bag → Popcorn Machine

Please note that the items on this list may change depending on if we make new items.

Alliance Information

At Diamanté Theatre, we cherish and honour all of our alliances and are always seeking opportunities for even more. Upon our potential alliance we could host events, collaborate, and more. As much as we want to ally with everyone, we do have our minimum requirements and restrictions to help build positive bonds with groups alike across the platform.

There are multiple steps you should take to become an alliance with Diamanté Theatre. The first of which, is to ensure that you meet of our requirements listed below:

Minimum of 40 members in the group and 40 members in their communications server:
Active staff members and developers
Friendly staff and leadership team
Have an overall positive environment
No poor reputation within the industry

Any roleplay group can partner with us, such as cafes, hotels, restaurants, bars, and theatres.

Step number two comes in next, where you must contact a public relations member. You should DM them on our communications server containing an introduction to your group, and answers to the following questions:

Why do you want to partner with Diamanté Theatre?
What benefits will your group have on Diamanté Theatre?
Where do you think this alliance will lead to?

Depending on the amount of detail you put into answering the questions, you may or may not be inquired further. Once the relations member is happy with the information you have provided, you will be asked to wait up to 24 hours for the results. At this time, our public relations team will be discussing your group and the potential alliance.

Stage 3 will commence once you have received your results. If you have been accepted, then you will be asked to send at least two members of your own public relations team to represent yourselves. They will be ranked as Noticed Customer and will receive a role with the group they are representing. Your representatives will be responsible for collaborating with us and announcing our events in your group. Additionally, the public relations director will send out two representatives from our group to join yours. They will also be responsible for announcing your events in our group.

Once the representative stage is complete, the next phase commences. In this stage, a confirmation letter will be sent, containing our terms and conditions of which your public relations lead must sign and forward to our public relations lead. From there they will have confidential discussions regarding the alliance.

After the slip is signed and the alliance is official, it is then time to announce! You will be required to send the introduction you wish to use for the announcement, and we will include it. We will additionally do the same.

For any further inquiries, contact the Public Relations Director via DMs on our communications server. We hope to partner with you soon!

:link: Important Links

Diamanté Theatre - Group
Diamanté Theatre - Training Centre
Diamanté Theatre - Theatre

Thank you for reading the Diamanté Theatre Public Guide!!

We hope you found this information listed in the guide helpful. If you have any further enquires regarding this guide, do not be afraid to direct message a member of our Leadership Team.

Special thanks to: jmxxxxxx, 24kVibezWithMarian and wolfhabithowl for writing everything in this guide.