Diamond Tester Model

Hey everyone. This is kind of a joke model but since I haven’t used blender to make really much of anything for some time I decided to do some practice to get back into it, and I made a diamond tester. So here it is!

I have also included the model here :
DiamondRobloxerII.rbxm (20.7 KB)

I might script it later in the week so you can actually find players who have real ice in your roblox games. :wink:

Let me know what you guys think about this, and reply if you have feedback. :slight_smile:


Joke or not, I love the simplicity and attention to detail. Very satisfying to look at

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Haha thanks, it’s gonna be funny once it’s scripted. Beep Beep… Ice

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This is a pretty cool concept, even if it is a joke it will still gain attraction from players.

If you are going to make it functional, you could make it react to specific hats that have so called “diamonds” in them.

And maybe make the model light up too, here is an example.


Other than that, best of luck to you, and if you do decide to turn it into a fully functional model I will be sure to purchase a copy! :grin:

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Yeah, this is my plan will probably store a bunch of item’s that have like diamonds in them into a table. Than check what is touching it and handle that.

The level of detail on this is beyond anything I can do. Wish I had your skill.

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Haha thank you so much. :slight_smile:

I appreciate it.

Holy -not saying it timmy- I had one, lost it though. Loved it I used it at the beach.

Digging holes and using it was the best lol

Haha, did you find anything though?

Found a ring. Gabe it back to its owner

Thats nice to know we got a good samaritan. :slight_smile:

The ring was prob 5k-10k I would never sell it. If I did send me to the devil.


My friend daired me to sell it. But I said. " I dare u to throw ur gaming pc in the water" he said “Oh no no no I take that dare back”

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Woah! Very cool :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Haha, same for you and your outstanding character models they are really something inside of itself.

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I got my tester right heee. ICE

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Just got my diamond tester here… Beep… ICE

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Jokes aside, model looks great.

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