Dictionary worked fine before adding objects with loop

I’ve restarted work on a mining game I was working on before, in order to change up the systems to be more optimized and less complicated to work with.

There’s this function in one of the scripts and it referred to a dictionary. The dictionary used to look like this

Ore.Info = {
	["Stone"] = {
		Cash = 1;
		Health = 3;
		Depths = {
			Min = 0;
			Max = 100;
		Rarity = 0;
	["Copper"] = {
		Cash = 3;
		Health = 5;
		Depths = {
			Min = 5;
			Max = 100;
		Rarity = 950;
	["Demon"] = {
		Cash = 3;
		Health = 5;
		Depths = {
			Min = 101;
			Max = 10000000;
		Rarity = 0;

it worked perfectly fine.

But then I changed it up to be like this

local Ore.Info = {};
for _, oreInst in ipairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.OresFolder:GetChildren()) do
	if oreInst:IsA("Model") then
		oColor = oreInst.PrimaryPart.Color
		oColor = oreInst.Color
	if not table.find(Ore.Info, oreInst.Name) then
		Ore.Info[''..oreInst.Name..''] = {Inst = oreInst, OreColor = oColor, Depths = {Min = oreInst.Min.Value; Max = oreInst.Min.Value;}, Rarity = oreInst.Rarity.Value, StringRare = oreInst.StringRare.Value}

And now it gives me an error

This is what the function looks like

function PickOre(layer)
	local gotOres = {}
	local Y = math.abs((layer.Y-Origin.Y)/6)
	for i,v in pairs(Ore.Info) do
		if Y >= v.Depths.Min and Y <= v.Depths.Max then
			gotOres[i] = v.Rarity
	local Rarity = math.random(0,1000)
	local GotFirstNumber
	local Sames = {}
	for i,v in sortedpairs(gotOres, function(t,a,b) return t[b] < t[a] end) do
		if v <= Rarity then
			GotFirstNumber = v
			for ii,vv in pairs(gotOres) do
				if vv == GotFirstNumber then
					Sames[#Sames+1] = ii
	local GetFinalOre = Sames[math.random(#Sames)]
	local MakeOre = game.ReplicatedStorage.OresFolder:FindFirstChild(GetFinalOre):Clone()
	return MakeOre

if anyone could help I would appreciate it

# will not correctly count items if there are gaps (with value nil) in a list, or if it is used on a dictionary. Make sure you’re not accidentally creating either of those things and doing # on it.