Did roblox change animations or am I just scripting them wrong?

I’m aware that you have to wait for the ‘Animator Object’ to be a descendant of Game Object.

The problem I’m having is that even if I wait for the character to be a descendant of Game Object, the Animations still fail to load. Why is this?

Here’s what I use to wait before loading animations:

if not character.Parent then
	--repeat wait() character = player.Character until character.Parent (I also tried this)

This is the error I keep getting:

What is your full code? It would be helpful if we had this info.

However, I found this article:

I’m running my animations on the server as it’s the only way for me to make a fully skill based game. Do I HAVE to start animations on the client? Because how am I going to make my game balanced with ping if players are going to be able to run animations from their client when they click?