I remember that it used to be possible to run something like
In the console, and then it would also print the table of it like so {...} and then you could click on it and it would show all childs. However, now for some reason, it only prints the table memory address and not the actual content of it anymore. And Roblox Studio didn’t seem to leave a function like “printtable”, unless I am wrong.
What happend with “print” ?
I know that the default Lua one doesn’t print tables via print, but what I am saying is, is that Roblox Studio used to, and now not anymore. Why?
It’s intended behaviour for the print function that we know from Lua. But what I am saying is, that I was able to do this print(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) and it would print a thing to click on and show the content of the table automatically.
It didn’t say it, but it also didn’t work when I changed that checkbox.
I toggled “Show memory address for expandable tables”, but I don’t see the tables to expand. All I see is the memory address. I think “Show tables expanded by default” is supposed to show the tables so that what would have looked like this in the console {...} but already expanded.
However, I don’t see the expandable tables anymore.
Seems more like a studio bug, sometimes it happens to me, but after turning it off 2 times it fixes it, you could also take a look at the settings if there is an option.