.Died Events On Humanoids No Longer Fire Reliably

Reproduction Steps
This bug is very hard to reproduce intentionally, however so far it seems to happen when a humanoid takes more damage than it’s current health.

Expected Behavior
I expect server-sided Humanoid.Died event connections to fire whenever a humanoid’s health hits 0.

Actual Behavior
Sometimes it works as intended, but sometimes the humanoid’s health will hit 0 and the client will enter a falling-down state however the .Died event connection on the server never fires.

I have changed my code that uses Humanoid.Died to:

local event
event = Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Health'):connect(function()
 if Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
  game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:wait() -- have to yield for a frame to simulate the behavior of .Died
  -- my previous .Died code

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Often
Date First Experienced: 2021-08-23 15:08:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-24 03:08:00 (-04:00)


This seems to happen all the time for me.

local a = workspace:WaitForChild("Dummy1")
local b = workspace:WaitForChild("Dummy2")
local c = workspace:WaitForChild("Dummy3")

for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
	if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		print("Found "..v.Name.."!")
			print(v.Name.." died.")

In fact, I was playing a game yesterday and it was broken despite it not being updated in a week and it worked after the update.

I think this should be severe.
repro.rbxl (34.1 KB)

How are you damaging the humanoids? My game was only suffering the bug periodically because I’m killing player humanoids using :TakeDamage() I was also unable to get a reliable reproduction. With that being said, while technically severe there are some work arounds.

EDIT: never mind I just saw you damaged them using both property changing and :TakeDamage().

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By the way, if you were to download the file attached and test it, do you get different or same results as me?

Humanoids can be quite finicky sometimes with network ownership. Make sure that you are trying to kill them from a server script, and that the network ownership is also set to the server manually using SetNetworkOwner. You can also set network ownership to a particular player, and then kill the humanoid from a LocalScript that that specific player runs.


Yes, we do that already. This issue only popped up starting yesterday at 3pm with no changes to the games.

Thanks for the report. We are looking into this and we’ll come back when we have any updates for you.


This is still an issue as of June 2024.

Oddly enough, whenever this bug occurs, it appears to occur for every occurrence of a humanoid with the same name. For example, if you have several humanoids named “Bot”, all of them will encounter this .Died bug for their next non-detected death. Might be coincidence, I am unsure.

However, I suspect it might be related to network ownership / replication. NPC humanoid combat (e.g. enemy vs enemy) does not appear to encounter this issue unless a player is nearby.