Difference between a simulator and a RPG?

Im kinda confused in these two genres, if you try to take a look at both of them, both of them has the same game mechanism :

  • You Farm
  • Get better gear
  • Farm again

so, whats the different between both of them? and why most simulator get more players than RPG?

Well in an RPG usually you attack npcs by doing quests and you are able to save up money to buy better gear and simulators well most simulators you just click until you get enough coins to upgrade then you sell. in my opinion i would prefer to play an rpg because i would get some enjoyment from that unlike a simulator. The reason i think simulators overtake rpgs in popularity is because simulators are kind of trendy and more popular with younger audiences as they wouldnt really understand many mechanics an rpg has.

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It really depends on how you define simulators. A true simulator is where you actually simulate something, like ninja legends (ninja sim), bee swarm simulator (self-explanatory) or madcity (crim/police sim/roleplay). An RPG is a game where you explore and gain resources, then use resources to get better, generally by crafting weapons and gear, and keep cycling. The idle clickers most people call simulators are much simpler (no crafting, no different types of gear) and generally advance by clicking, whereas RPGs are more complex and generally advance by killing enemies.