Difference between GUI and UI?


I know what UI and GUI both stand for which is common to know. What I do not know is what is the difference between both of those in ROBLOX Studio?.
I heard UI is just for the display and GUI for the User Interface plus scripting. I don’t know, probably the same or different. Appreciated!

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I don’t think there is a particular difference speaking in Roblox terms, I just use UI more. But I do think it makes more sense to call it UI when it’s the GUI + scripting since it’s not only graphics.

In short, it doesn’t matter, just use whatever you want. For names like ScreenGui, yes it’s a GUI and for names like UICorner, yes it’s UI, but otherwise, it’s basically interchangeable.


I just came across the DevForum and saw this, now I learned something thanks to you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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