Difference between the difference velocity/force properties

I was searching for the best thing to use for like creating a force on an basepart. I found like many different types of things, so I was curious. What is the difference between bodyforce, Basepart.Velocity, Lineforce, bodyposition, etc, and which one should I generally use.

It depends on the kind of motion you are trying to create and what properties of that motion you care about. For something like a canon, you only care about the projectile’s speed, so you can simply set its velocity. For something like a vehicle, where you want to have a certain amount of “pull” that can be affected by weight and friction, you should use a force like a LineForce and friends.

Avoid using BodyForce or BodyPosition, they are deprecated.

Also if you want a one time movement, you can either use ApplyImpulse, or even apply a vector force to an assembly mass.

Basepart.Velocity is like setting its velocity so once set it’ll go at that speed.
LineForce is exactly in the name it a force that attracts towards a part.
BodyPosition is moving a part to a position. you can do BodyPosition.Position = Vector3.new(0, 10, 0) the part will move at 0, 10, 0 depending on how much force u give it.
It really depends
If you want to make something like a rocket going up using pure math, you’d use Body Force.
If you want to make a dash you’d use BodyVelocity. It really depends on what you’re doing.
If you are trying to make an elevator you can you Align Position or Body Position.

What about vector force, bodyvelocity and linear velocity then? It seems to act the same as some of the other ones mentioned.