Hello EOASTUDIO here,
So, I know what MouseButton1Click means but how about the other MouseButton…’s?
Pls tell me what the other ones do, thx
Ex. What MouseButton1Down or MouseButton2Click mean …
Hello EOASTUDIO here,
So, I know what MouseButton1Click means but how about the other MouseButton…’s?
Pls tell me what the other ones do, thx
Ex. What MouseButton1Down or MouseButton2Click mean …
Those correspond to the different mouse buttons, 1 being the left click, 2 being the middle click, 3 being right click.
And MouseButton1Down and MuseButton1Up?
MouseButton1Down would be when they click down on the left, and mouse button 1 up is when they let go
I don’t understand what you mean