Difference between tick() and time()

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to know what the difference between “tick()” and “time()” is.

tick(), time()
  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible

I’n not really sure how and what “time()” does.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I have tried looking on youtube, The developer hub. And here. But still cant find anything releated to this topic. I have also tried experimenting around with it. But i still dont get it Xd?

Any help is higly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:!!

“[tick] returns how much time has elapsed, in seconds, since the UNIX epoch, on the current local session’s computer.”

“[os.time] returns how many seconds have passed since the Unix epoch (1 January 1970, 00:00:00), under current UTC time.”

So os.time is a standardized time, UTC time, and will always be UTC time no matter what server Roblox is using and what region your players are in. tick returns local time, so it is the region where Roblox’s server running your game is located, or in a LocalScript the user’s computer clock time.


Sorry i clicked “SOLUTION” instead of “Reply” my bad. Anyways

Im not talking about “os.time()”. I’m talking about this thing? TIME

Google, the link @JarodOfOrbiter sent with Roblox globals

number time ( )
Returns the amount of time, in seconds, that has elapsed since the current game instance started running.
If the current game instance is not running, this will be 0.


tick returns the time passed since the EPOCH which is January 1st, 1970, though it will return the time according to the client’s time if used on the client.

time returns the time passed since the game server was started.