Difference between UI and UX?


Why is it better to plan out your UI than design it first?

What’s the difference between UI and UX?

Why is it so difficult to design UI?

It’s better to plan out your UI as this will make the creating part of the UI more straight forward, as you already have a concept and idea of what it is like.

UI is mainly the looks of how the UI is, and UX is the User Experience, So how the player feels when interacting with the UI.

I would recommend looking at references to get an idea of how you could design your own UI.

Hope this helps anyone reading, if I forget to mention anything, or I mentioned something wrong please let me know. Thanks!

  1. You will get a better and clearer result. It will also be more efficient. Same reason why you don’t just go to war and enter a hostile area without a plan. It’ll be much more organized and efficient.

  2. UI is the actual elements or art that is displayed for the user. The UX, is the user experience and how simple it is to navigate the UIs. A good User Experience is critical for a good game, and you want to make sure you always plan it out.

  3. For some people it might be difficult, for some it might not. It just depends on the person really.