Different gui size in game/studio

Hi i have an problem with my GUI that isnt same size in the studio and game
and i cant find a way to fix this problem

Gui in the game:


Can anyone here help me how to fix this problem?
i just want to solved it and understanding of fixing it
so i wont cause it same problem in the future

If you want the size to not change then use offset instead of scale

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Use this plugin to optimize GUI scaling across all devices. Apply the ā€˜Constraintsā€™ and ā€˜Unit Conversionā€™ features to GUI elements to ensure they scale properly and maintain optimal sizing.

Also you can watch tutorial on YouTube about this plugin.

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you will need to use aiAspectRatioConstraint to keep the proportions of x and y the same across all devices + you will need to use scale instead of offset because offset is the size of pixels while scale is based on screen size for example if scale.X = 0.5 then the gui size x will take half the screen across all devices etcā€¦

The problem is that youā€™re using offset in UI and not scaleā€¦



I hope it helps!

In the test tab youll find a button for ā€œdeviceā€ using this option you can test what your GUI looks like on several devices.

Also utilise scale instead of offset for automatic scaling, you can also use a bunch of UI constraints that help with scaling. Id recommend checking out all the UI constraints roblox has.

Im using scale rn and its still the same problem tho?

still the same problem to be honest i cannot figure out which one to fix it as im using scale
and im not using offset

I still dont understand manā€¦my head going crazy and spinning

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Sorry for the bump i was busy,

You can use Aspect Ratios: UIAspectRatioConstraint | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub