Different places in same universe don't update

I’m sorry this is not in #platform-feedback:website-bugs I’m not a regular+ so I don’t have access

When creating a new place in the same game, as an updated version of the game, I cannot access the game whatsoever, as it will teleport me to the main place.

Trying to modify the the place destination in the ctrl+shift+i menu allows you to enter the game BUT kicks you out with error code 279

Trying to teleport to the place from another game, it says “Trying to teleport to a restricted place”

Also my game is being updated and I don’t want to update it yet

Again, I’m sorry this is not in #platform-feedback:website-bugs , I don’t have access to it

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I don’t know of a way to bypass this. Consider adding a UI to the starer place that is only visible to you, on this UI you can select if you want to teleport to the updated game or stay in the starter place. If you have questions on how to do this, I can elaborate.