Different screen sizes ruin the entire menu

Basically different screen sizes (even if i am just resizing output i tested on different devices and it looks bad) basically ruin my menu.
how’d i stop this (yeah yeah piggy fan game lol)
it’s a WIP but still i have no idea. offset 0, text scaled (tried without too).

External Media

ignore my models :skull:

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To stop the images stretching, you can use the fit scaling type instead of stretch. I would recommend making the words Markus’ Adventure one text label. You could then make the ‘ears’ a child of the text label and to move them to the top left, set the anchor point to 1,1.

It would be helpful if the explorer was shown so we can see how the elements are laid out.


Lol this is so weird. I had to separate them because the text wouldn’t be big enough lol. I’m going to die of cringe now lol. Thanks I’ll try it later.

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i have merged the text as you said.
i did what you said and it didn’t really do anything

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I tinkered around in studio, and what I said to do will work, however if you’re using textScaled then the text has a tendency to wrap itself into a new line. To fix that, you should use an image label instead of text. At that point it is easier to use an image label for the entire logo.

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I’ll try to just make it an image label it’ll probably help. Thanks!

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