Different water color?


Is it possible to have multiple water terrains with different colors? It seems like changing the color for one will change it for all of them. Am I wrong? :hushed:


No, it is possible to change a individual terrain type! Just find it in the terrain, in explorer I think, then just change the water color!

No, it is possible because the changes to have multiple water terrains is make the game look weird for me and others. if u want to change u can do it only one, not two or three. you can do it one if u want to changes the color of the water maybe try open explore-> terrain-> water color…

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I mean I have a lake and a river. I want the lake and the river to have different colors. Is it possible?

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No, I don’t think it’s possible for the same terrain type to have two different colors, but you could find something similar to water, maybe ice and change the color of that?

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These are two possible ways you might be able to do it. Through a local script that detects if a player has entered a region or you might be able to have multiple terrains in workspace. I’m not sure if the second way would work.


You aren’t able to have multiple colours for terrain, you have to pick one. You are capable of changing the colour based on where you are but I doubt that’s what you want, rather to be able to see a terrain material with differing colours.


The only problem with changing it via a local script is that you must not be able to see both waters at the same time. Since my game is on a mountain-cliff terrain it is easy to see both the lake and the river at the same time and hence I cannot use the local script idea. I hope they change that it the near future because more colors in water can yield pretty amazing results.

Unfortunately, you can’t have different colors for water by changing the settings for the terrain… What you can do is adding a transparent colored part above the water to make it look like it’s colored, but you will need to set the WaterWaveSize value to 0 in the terrain settings to avoid waves going through the part.
Hope it helps!


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