Different way of changing email address for Roblox account

The current way seems a little too easy for people to change Email. If someone gets hacked and the hacker knows your password they can easily change the email. I know the email does give a link out to revert it but I think that a roblox account should have 2 Emails the second one as backup where you have to validate to change the first Email Address. Same as the second email where the First has to validate the second email address.

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Or make you verify the current email address.

Why not just send the change request to the current email address? If it’s verified to your account, then you should have access to that email to change it to the new one.

Personally I don’t even want 2 factor. I want to be able to use a Google Authenticator type thing. You can buy code keychain things that you link to a website. I own several.