Different weapon model, same animation

Let’s say I have a set of animations for a longsword (using motor6D) and I have multiple weapons in my game that are longswords but they all have different models. What would be the best way to make it so all the models can use the same animation? Right now I have it set up so my test animations use an invisible placeholder object called “Longsword” which I weld the actual longsword longsword models to, but I’m wondering if there’s a better way to do this.

So all the models can use the same animation

What exactly do you mean by that?
Do you literally mean, so all the longswords have the same, swing, and equip animation?

Yeah, like how in Dark Souls 3 there are multiple types of straight swords but they all have the same attack animations.

Well when you make the swords, just use the same animation IDs?
Or am I missing something

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