Difficulties trying to make a rail grinding system

Hi! I’ll get straight to the point I’m making a rail grinding system but I’ve been put at a sort of standstill for a while since I encountered 2 problems.

The first is figuring out where a player lands on a rail, on paper it seems simple, simply do it between two points in a 3D space, the problem is I do not know what I should do to achieve that.

The second is actually moving the player between these two points, now I know how to detect where they’re going to be moving using :Dot but other than that, I’m completely stuck as to how to make it seem like they’re actually stuck on the rail.

As always, if anyone can help me trying to figure these issues out, even a small pointer in the right direction I’d greatly appreciate it!

Oh right, and before I forget here’s the code segment I’m using for this!

while true do
	for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:FindFirstChild("RailChecked") and not v:FindFirstChild("RailCCheck") then
			local part = v.RailChecked.Value
				if railgrinding == false then
					railgrinding = true
					local targpoint
					print("let's grind!")
					grindpart = part
					local vel1 = CFrame.new(v.Attachment0.WorldPosition,v.Attachment1.WorldPosition).LookVector:Dot(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity.Unit)
					if vel1 < 0 then
						print("We going forwards!")
						targpoint = v.Attachment1.WorldPosition
					if vel1 > 0 then
						print("Rewind time")
						targpoint = v.Attachment0.WorldPosition
			local tag = Instance.new("Folder")
			tag.Name = "RailCCheck"
			tag.Parent = v