Difficulty figuring out a certain kind of gun sway

i am making a gun system and am trying to recreate a kind of gun sway used in Deadline, an fps game on roblox. this kind of gun sway sort of adds the camera movement to a value permanently with limits instead of just having the gun sway with camera movement, if that makes sense.

here is the code of what i have come up with so far:

local mouseVector = InputService:GetMouseDelta()/100

sysValues.cameraPositionX += mouseVector.X/5
sysValues.cameraPositionY -= mouseVector.Y/5

local cposXLimit = sysValues.cameraPositionLimit
local cposYLimit = sysValues.cameraPositionLimit

if sysValues.cameraPositionX > cposXLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionX = cposXLimit-0.002
elseif sysValues.cameraPositionX < -cposXLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionX = -cposXLimit+0.002

if sysValues.cameraPositionY > cposYLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionY = cposYLimit-0.002
elseif sysValues.cameraPositionY < -cposYLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionY = -cposYLimit+0.002

and i just add these cameraPosition values to the cframe of the viewmodel.

this works but has a problem. the movement is limited to a box shape, which feels unnatural.

and i want it to be limited to a circle, like this

i have tried some simple stuff with the values but i am not great at math, so i can not come up with a solution. any help is appreciated. thank you

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Think this gun error maybe its not working

Is sysValues.cameraPosition where the gun’s muzzle is located?

cameraPosition is the value that is added to the cframe of the viewmodel. sorry, i forgot to explain the values so it must be pretty unclear to read

You can try getting the Unit vector and subtracting.


local mouseVector = InputService:GetMouseDelta().Unit
sysValues.cameraPositionX -= mouseVector.X
sysValues.cameraPositionY -= mouseVector.Y

local cposXLimit = sysValues.cameraPositionLimit
local cposYLimit = sysValues.cameraPositionLimit

if sysValues.cameraPositionX > cposXLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionX = cposXLimit-0.002
elseif sysValues.cameraPositionX < -cposXLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionX = -cposXLimit+0.002

if sysValues.cameraPositionY > cposYLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionY = cposYLimit-0.002
elseif sysValues.cameraPositionY < -cposYLimit then
	sysValues.cameraPositionY = -cposYLimit+0.002

This would be easier to achieve if we could set the position of the ViewModel directly though.