I have made this gun system like 2 - 3 months ago for a project that I stopped working with, I thinked it would be good to open source it since I don’t think I will use it anymore. I am not such a experienced scripter or anything like that so the code might be super mess, I fixed some small stuff but yet it can have some bugs.
1 Some of the audios might not work because they were uploaded by me
2 The modules used aren’t mine (except “WeaponModule”)
It includes:
- Custom Character Animations
- Footstep sounds
- Sprinting
- Kill Feed
- Armour
- Attachments (Laser and flashlight, Z for laser and T for flashlight)
- Semi and auto firemodes (Can’t be toggled in-game)
- Custom number of bullets (Useful when doing shotguns)
- Bullet tracers
- Bullet Holes (With sounds and particles)
- Custom weapon Animations (Pistol, Rifle and shotgun) When using “shotgun” preset the reloading will be one by one
Important Stuff:
- For the footsteps work, the walk and running animations needs to have 2 animation events inside called “Step1” and “Step2”
- For the weapon sounds:
the reloading animation from Pistol and Rifle presets needs the following Events:
“Start”, “MagOut”, “MagIn”, “BoltPull”, “BoltRelease” and “End”
For Shotgun Preset:
“Start” and “ShellIn” - For firing sounds:
ReplicatedStorage > Resources > Audios > Weapons
Each weapon needs an audio asset inside this folder with the weapon’s name
Patched files 2(again)
Digital’s OTS Patch2.rbxm (571.2 KB) -
Digital’s OTS Patch2.rbxl (722.9 KB)
This is my first post at Resources category, thanks for reading.