Dior Cafe Offical Handbook

Diòr Cafe Offical Handbook

"The Cafe of Gold"

Welcome to Diòr Cafe

Diòr Cafe provides a warm and welcoming community for all members, and the Diòr Cafe extraordinary staff team makes sure to provide the best experience possible to our customers, as soon as you enter our fabulous group. We strive to hire professional, and respectful workers every day to satisfy your needs whenever you visit. Our main goals are for each customer to enjoy themselves at the cafe.

This handbook will be elaborating on distinct information and practices which are utilized regularly at Diòr Cafe. It will allow our staff members, management, and visitors to be aware of the functions at the cafe. For any questions or if you have anything you’d like to suggest to add to this handbook, you may forward them to any High Rank.

Signed by Chairman, @NowEatRice ✝


Rules & Guidelines

Rules & Guidelines

Here at Diòr Cafe, we want everyone to display a friendly, and comfortable environment at all facilities, and these conducts we have listed are very essential and informative for you. Not only this but breaking our code of conduct guidelines can lead to a kick, ban, or blacklist from Diòr Cafe with no hesitation. To ensure everyone’s experience here, we want you to abide by our regulations.

  • [1] Trolling or purposely disruptive behavior includes: dancing on the tables, arguing is strictly prohibited, if you are found doing so may result in a kick/ban from the server.

  • [2] Exploiting will not be tolerated, if any signs of exploiting occur, you will be permanently banned without hesitation.

  • [3] Inappropriate outfit may result in removal from the server, we kindly ask that you simply have appropriate clothing equipped within our premises. This also includes any attire containing; inappropriate/racist/vulgar/offending/unrealistic t-shirts, shirts, or pants.

  • [4] Disruption will not be allowed which includes major spamming and excess capitalizations may result in a removal from the server.

  • [5] Advertising within our establishment is not allowed which may include any forms of advertising: Youtube Channel, Communications Server, Group, and etc.

  • [6] Innapropriate use of voice chat will not be tolerated and can be punished with a warning or kick from the server.

Barista Regulations

  • [7] Proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization must be utilized while working.

  • [8] Any sort of hinting is not tolerated, hinting occurs when someone is asking for a higher rank or is complimenting themselves. If you are caught doing so, consequences will occur.

  • [9] Dress code, any inappropriate/vulgar/racist/offending/unrealistic outfit is strictly prohibited.

  • [10] If you happen to misbehave such as trolling, it will lead to an immediate demotion from your rank. We do not tolerate any form of trolling actions from our staff members, we expect you to behave properly at all times within our premises.

  • [11] Service, it is highly recommended that you work behind the counter and to avoid supervising as you are not required to supervise but to serve. Breaks are allowed, however; if you are found slacking, a consequence will be issued.

  • [12] Professionalism, it is highly recommended that you remain professional towards a shift/session which may include service, utilizing proper conduct, and etc.

  • [13] When Serving Customers, they can only order 3 items, at once. Premium members can order 6 items at once. If the customer does not comply please ask the to stop, if they continue do not hesitate to call an MR+.

Rank Structure & Information

Rank Structure & Information

LR Roles

Customer -

Customers are members of the group who visit our games, specifically the cafe. They also have the ability to apply to our Application Center for Trainees. They are to be treated respectfully by staff.

Noted Customer -

Noted Customers are those who have contributed a lot to Diòr Cafe, have personal connections with the Chairman, or are reputable within The ROBLOX community. They are to be treated as customers, but with the utmost respect. Not part of the rank system.

Allied Representative -

Allied Representatives are members of the group who represent other ROBLOX cafe groups that are allied with Diòr Cafe. They are to be treated with respect at all times. Not part of the rank system.

Trainee -

Trainees are Dior Cafe’s newest recruit, although not official employees yet. They have just passed their test at the application center and have the ability to pass a training to become official employees.

Junior Barista -

A Junior Barista is one of our first ranks into working at our cafe, as a Junior Barista, you are permitted to access the kitchen, serve our customers, and deal with any troller-related situations.

Barista -

Baristas are more experienced than Junior Baristas, they should be able to face more extreme situations at our cafe and they also are permitted to set a great example for our lower ranks.

Senior Barista -

Senior Baristas are employees who have gone through three training sessions. Senior Baristas are expected to be highly experienced and to have mastered all of the recipes.

Head Barista -

Head Baristas are the most experienced employees, as they have gone to multiple training sessions. They are expected to be highly experienced & remain professional and have to master all the recipes.

MR Roles

Employee Assistant -

Employee Assistant is the first MR role, they have shown determination, activity, and maturity. They worked extremely hard past the LR roles and have been hand-selected by a Chief Operations Officer or above to become an Employee Assistant. They are in charge of assisting and moderatinng the LR roles in-game and assist in trainings.

Supervisor -

Supervisors have made it past the first MR role, they have gone above and beyond in dedication to the group. Supervisors must assist and supervise all roles below them, they have the ability to moderate in-game and assist in trainings.

Assistant Manager -

Assistant Managers have made it past the first two MR roles and shown extreme dedication to the group. Assistant Managers help the roles above them and assist those below them, they have the ability to moderate in-game and assist in trainings.

Managers -

Managers have been exceptional MR’s, They made it past the first 3 MR roles with the highest level of respect and maturity. Managers help the roles above them and assist those below them, they have the ability to moderate in-game and assist and Co-host in trainings.

HR Roles

Board of Directors -

Board of Directors have had exceptional commitment, went past all the MR and LR roles, and have been hand-selected by a President or higher to have the responsibility of an HR position. Board of Directors help out with problems MR’s can not solve and tasks SHR’s may need. Board of Directors can Host trainings, and administer in-game. This rank is responsible for completing their daily corporate and Leadership team duties.

Chief Operations Officer -

Chief Operations Officers have persevered, shown an outstanding commitment level, and extreme professionalism level. Chief Operations Officers have the ability to host trainings, select new MR’s, promote MR roles, and administer in-game. This rank is responsible for completing their daily corporate and Leadership team duties.

Chief Executive Officer -

Chief Executive Officers have persevered, shown an outstanding commitment level, and extreme professionalism level and maturity. They are trustworthy people and are very knowledgeable in many aspects. Chief Operations Officers have the ability to host trainings, select new MR’s, promote MR roles, and administer in-game. This rank is responsible for completing their daily corporate and Leadership team duties.

Vice President -

Vice Presidents have shown unimaginable commitment and effort to the group. They have worked extremely hard to reach this rank. Vice Presidents have the ability to host trainings, select new MR’s, promote MR roles, and administer in-game. This rank is responsible for completing their daily corporate and Leadership team duties. This rank can co-lead Leadership teams.

SHR Roles

President -

Presidents have done the absolute most, shown the most dedication, persevered, and climbed all the way through the rank system, this is the last obtainable rank. This role is in charge of only the most important matters working with the Vice Chairman and Chairman. They are in charge of the HR’s and lead leadership teams. This rank has all permission and should be respected.

Developer -

This role is for Developers of Diòr Cafe’s games. They ensure you have the most pleasurable playing experience, it can range from Scripters, builders, UI artists, and more. This role is not part of the ranking system.

Head Developer -

This role does only Diòr Cafe’s hardest development projects and leads their team into making the best game possible, this position is currently held by @intykat

Vice Chairman -

Vice Chairman is in charge of the group with the Chairman and has total permission within the group This role is not obtainable and is currently held by @immortalsxo .

Chairman -

This is the most valuable role. The chairman is responsible for making every executive decision, everything goes through him. He has total control of the group. whatever he says goes and is only concerned with the well-being of the group. It is held by @NowEatRice

Recipe Guide

Recipe Guide

At Dior Cafe, there are certain sequences for crafting the delicious drinks and meals implemented at the cafe. You have to follow the sequence correctly in order to create the drink the right way and to please the customers requesting the items. Here are the recipes:


Empty Cup + Milk Carton + Ice + Flavoring + Blender

Flavors; Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate, Banana, Cookies & Cream, Rasperry, Cool Mint


Empty Cup + Milk Carton + Flavoring

Flavors; Regular Black, Hazelnut, Mocha, Decaf, Frappucino, Espresso, Cold Brew, Vanilla Latte


Empty Cup + Flavoring

Flavors; Strawberry, Banna, Blueberry, Mango, Coconut, and Kiwi.

Fountain Drinks:

Empty Cup + Flavoring


Fried: Raw Chicken + Fryer

Baked: Raw Chicken + Oven

Grilled: Raw Chicken + Grill


Raw Beef Patty + Grill + Toppings + Hamburger Buns


Raw Hotdog + Grill + Hotdog Bun + (Optional) Condiments

Ice Cream:

Cone + Flavoring + (Optional) Toppings

Flavors; Pistachio, Cookies & Cream, Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate

Training Sessions & Shifts

Training Sessions & Shifts

Training sessions are hosted on a daily basis, they will allow our LRs to expand their knowledge regarding Dior Cafe.

Times: (Please convert to your local timezone!)

8:00 AM PST, (Locking at 8:20)

12:00 PM PST, (Locking at 12:20)

2:00 PM PST, (Locking at 2:20)

5:00 PM PST, (Locking at 5:20)

8:00 PM PST, (Locking at 8:20)


  • If you wish to attend a shift, shifts are hosted randomly by our staff. To determine whether a shift is ongoing or will be occurring, shift announcements are held within our communications server or on our group shout!


  • Host joins 10-15 minutes before the session starts.

  • Other roles besides Host joins 20 minutes before the session starts.

Affiliation Information & Application

Affiliation Information & Application

Dior Cafe is exhilarated to have anyone express interest in allying with us. Alliances play an important role in the success and flourishment of Dior Cafe. These partnerships are a collaboration of many different companies and industries. We only expect the best of the best to become our allies, and both parties should be benefiting each other. Alliances should be earned through a great application and an amazing group. In this section, you will be directed to our requirements for partnerships and then our application questions. Please note that it may take up to 48 hours for your application to be reviewed and for results to be sent. Please note that we do not allow exceptions unless we deem your group would be beneficent.


  • You must have a minimum of 1,500 members within your ROBLOX group. We do not allow botted members.

  • Group must have a good and clean reputation within ROBLOX.

  • Your group must be willing to announce any events Dior Cafe is hosting.

  • Your group must be active and exhibit growth.

  • The group should not have any stolen/copied assets.

  • Your group must contain an organized Discord server with over 300 non-botted members.

  • Must be a business such as a hotel, cafe, restaurant, etc.

  • Your group must send 2-3 representatives to our establishment. They must communicate with us and announce everything.

  • You must have high-quality games, logos, and group games. Any rushed group assets will result in a declination.


  • [I] What is your group name and how many members does it have?

(Please also send your Discord Server along with the ROBLOX group links)

  • [2] Please make an introduction about the group. (Member count, information, goals, etc.)

  • [3] Why have you decided to apply for affiliation with Dior Cafe?

  • [4] If the affiliation gets accepted, how can both companies benefit each other?

  • [5] What makes your group unique from other groups in your industry?

  • [3] List two representatives that will be coming from your group if you were to pass this application. (Discord tag + ROBLOX username)

  • [4] Do you acknowledge that we can terminate our alliance if you don’t follow our requirements?

After you are done answering the questions we have listed above, please send it to one of our members apart of the public relations department. All submissions must be sent in a Google Document.

Head Barista Promotion Guide

Head Barista Promotion Guide

We appreciate your interest in wanting to continue your journey at Diòr Cafe! We want you to be a part of our team as well, here are the guidelines to get promoted and we included a few tips and suggestions to get promoted to Staff Assistant.

The most common way to get promoted is by reaching all the requirements and working hard in-game, you will be noticed by a higher rank. The second way is to join our communications server, occasionally we will post Staff Assistant applications.


  • You must have at least 10 hours in-game at the cafe

(If you are caught AFK for the time requirements you will be demoted and potentially not able to get promoted)

  • You must be 13+ and not have safe chat enabled on your ROBLOX account

  • You must be verified in the Discord server

Tips & Tricks

  • Work hard at all times while in the game, be as active as you can

  • Use Grammar at all times, both in-game and in our communication server

  • Be helpful and respectful to everyone

  • Do not hint at promotion, with patience and hard work it will come

  • Be professional and responsible at all times, and handle situations accordingly.

Ban Appeal Information

Ban Appeal Information

Ban Appeals

If you are banned from our Cafe or banned from our communications server, we ask you to contact a member of the Staffing Department so they could assist you with it. They will be giving you a form link for you to fill out in order to be considered whether you will be unbanned or remain banned.

Blacklisted Affiliate Appeal

Dior Cafe Communications department is extremely fond of giving groups an opportunity to redeem themselves. If a group has been blacklisted from our affiliates list, they must’ve violated our regulations, rules, or alliance requirements. However, sometimes certain situations get misunderstood or there might be a second side to the story, so we give the option to possibly get your alliance blacklist appealed. Please contact a member of the Communications Department.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q | How do I get a job at Diòr Cafe

A | You can apply at our auto ranking Application Center

Q | How many warnings are given to disruptive customers?

A | Three warnings are given to disruptive customers.

Q | Can you have a safe chat working here, and why?

A | We don’t allow MR+ to have safe-chat, however some LR’s have safe-chat.

Q | What is the order limit?

A | The order limit is 3 items.

Q | Can I take a break during my shift?

A | As a Barista, you are able to take a minor break to refresh yourself. However, we expect that the majority of your shift includes working if necessary. Note that grammar is to be used at all times within Dior premises, as well as during your break.

Q | How do I prepare orders?

A | You should have learned how to prepare orders in a training session, however, in case if anyone forgot how to prepare drinks or meals, we have made a recipe guide to help anyone with their difficulties in preparing orders.

If you have any other questions that are not listed here, please feel free to ask a staff member.

Important Links

Games: Diòr Cafe | Training Center | Application Center

Diòr Cafe was founded in 2016 by @NowEatRice ✝ | Copyright Diòr Cafe, all rights reserved