Directional Movement For R6

Implementation Details:

Script Purpose: Enhance Roblox player movement by dynamically adjusting facing direction and joint angles relative to camera movement.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Initialization:
  • RunService: Connects to the game’s Heartbeat event for updates.
  • Players: Retrieves the local player.
  • Character Components: Retrieves and waits for essential character parts (Humanoid, HumanoidRootPart, Torso).
  1. Joint Setup:
  • Stores references to critical joints (RootJoint, Neck, RightShoulder, LeftShoulder, RightHip, LeftHip).
  • Captures initial positions (C0) of these joints for future transformations.
  1. Joint Tilts and Configuration:
  • Initializes variables for storing current joint tilts and animation settings (DefaultLerpAlpha, dotThreshold).
  1. Functionality Overview:
  • LerpJoints Function: Interpolates joint angles based on the movement direction relative to the camera.
  • UpdateDirectionalMovement Function: Executes every game frame to update joint angles, ensuring the character always faces the direction of movement.

Usage Instructions:

Link to Model:

Video Demonstration:

Explanation: This script dynamically adjusts joint angles of a Roblox character based on movement direction relative to the camera. It ensures smooth and realistic animations, enhancing player control and visual appeal in third-person games.

This approach improves gameplay experience by maintaining consistent character orientation, regardless of shift lock settings.