Directional Movement System

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to create a directional movement system and make it so I can switch my animations (Right, left, forward, backwards) while moving.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I edited Roblox’s “Animate” script and there animations play when events fire.
Humanoid.Running event fires again only when you stop holding any key that moves your character . That’s why it doesn’t switch animations when I keep holding at least one button (W, A, S, D)

Here’re the functions that are responsible for directional movement:

function CalculateMovement()
	local DirectionOfMovement = HRP.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace( HRP.AssemblyLinearVelocity )
	local walkspeed = Humanoid.WalkSpeed

	local Forward = math.abs( math.clamp( DirectionOfMovement.Z / walkspeed, -1, 0 ) )
	local Backwards = math.abs( math.clamp( DirectionOfMovement.Z / walkspeed, 0, 1 ) )
	local Right = math.abs( math.clamp( DirectionOfMovement.X / walkspeed, 0, 1 ) )
	local Left = math.abs( math.clamp( DirectionOfMovement.X / walkspeed, -1, 0 ) )
	local speed = DirectionOfMovement.Magnitude  
	local anim
	if speed > .75 then
		local scale = 16.0
		if Forward > 0.5 then
			anim = "Forward"
		elseif Forward < 0.5 and Backwards < 0.5 then
			if Left >= 0.5  then
				anim = "Left"
			elseif Right >= 0.5 then
				anim = "Right"
		elseif Backwards >= 0.5 then
			anim = "Backwards"
	return anim, speed

function onRunning()
	local direction, speed = CalculateMovement()

	local scale = 16
	if direction == "Forward" then
		playAnimation("walkforward", 0.2, Humanoid)
		setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale)
	elseif direction == "Left" then
		playAnimation("walkleft", 0.2, Humanoid)
		setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale)
	elseif direction == "Right" then
		playAnimation("walkright", 0.2, Humanoid)
		setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale)
	elseif direction == "Backwards" then
		playAnimation("walkbackwards", 0.2, Humanoid)
		setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale)
		playAnimation("idle", 0.2, Humanoid)
		pose = "Standing"

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I tried to use RunService. It works but it breaks other animations that I need, like jumping, since they are called by events like Humanoid.Jumping.

Here is my Animate script:
Animate.rbxm (11.6 KB)

Would appreciate any help!


you mean smth similar to this?

well it’s known as one of popular system mostly Roblox Developers need but none of them were actually good cuz:

  1. Inverse Kinematics are buggy
  2. produceral doesn’t work on crouch, run and mostly systems
  3. animations are not linked and could break on mobile support

if u are finding this system without using animations that also works NOT locally then u can download these models (1 lean 1 Cframe Movement 1 Massless Movement) and test it in ur game:
Lean = allow your torso to lean right and left
Lean Torso Movement.rbxm (1.7 KB)
D Lerp Movement = allow your torso, legs, arms to lerp orientation using Cframe
DLerpMovement.rbxm (3.1 KB)
Massless Movement = allow your character to become complete massless (except head)
massless character.rbxm (790 Bytes)
to create Backpedaling, you need to create a script that when you move backwards ur walk animation adjustspeed turn into -1 or just add another animation and set priority into Idle

Only use Massless Movement when your game is a horror game!

D Lerp Support Arm Rotation (if it’s not comfortable then set up Arm rotate to 0)

goodluck learning from these, all 3 in StarterCharacterScripts (especially DLerp and Massless)


I’d actually prefer movement systems that use animations.
Concerning your videos, are these animations or procedural animations?
And how would massless movement help me?

to answer your question:

those are procedural that moves/rotate body part’s Cframes

Massless is when your body parts have no mass, it will make your body parts work like Evade and other r6 games, but i don’t force you to use it and neither the others

devdump has a really good video on directional movement that uses animation but its only for r6 so im not sure if you can somehow convert it to r15 here is the vid on it tho

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I was just about to say the samething

Devdump’s tutorial is really good and explains it well.

it already has R15 in toolbox but i don’t know how to find it ._.

sorry if i didnt respond but here is the model

ah thx i was looking for this just to see how it works with only 4 directions