Disable Changing "Camera Mode" In Roblox (Not Studio)

  1. What do you want to achieve?

Disable the option for the player to change their camera mode from classic to another mode like, orbital, etc

This is what I want to change, to make the button allowing the player to change their camera mode disabled.

  1. What is the issue?

I have found no ways that work to disable changing camera mode to “Set By Developer”
My current method works in studio but is for some reason invalidated in-game (not from script error)

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I’ve looked for many solutions to this, but all of the current solutions didn’t fix my problem.

Can you show your current solution that works in Studio?

In this simple way you can set your preferred camera type. Go to Studio > StarterPlayer, find the property named “DevComputerCameraMovementMode”. It is default set to “UserChoice” which allows the player to change the camera mode to another. Change this property to any mode, that you want (ex: Classic). In game player will be not able to change his camera mode to another, will be only your, which you have set earlier in studio.


Thanks for this, I swear I tried this a million times but I guess my previous starter player settings were interfering, but when I loaded up a new baseplate and tried this, it worked! Thanks, I’ve been looking for a blind answer for a few days now.

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i tried it but its not working i still can set the camera mode ingame after i published the game. (i set everything to classic in studio before i published) and i still can set the cam mode.


I don’t know why this wouldn’t work for you. Everything should be fine.

I think, maybe try to restart Roblox Studio.

I hope this helps.

no it doenst help as i said its disabled in roblox studio but not ingame…

Sorry, but i don’t know how to fix this problem. Maybe try publish game again (do update of game) ?

If your game wasn’t published after some changes, then these changes can’t be able to see in game.

nah all changes got published i testet it with some new parts. and the new parts where also there so its not a publishing problem its a problem from roblox itself.

Same here, really annoying for when I am trying to make a 2D environment with cameras. But the player can just break it by just changing their camera mode.