Disable default tool equip handler

I want to remove default tool handling behavior and create a system for tools in my own game; which is essentially just holding items in different hands and having different ways to use them. The main issue is disabling the default equip and weld behavior—I want to weld it to one or both hands, not always the right hand. Is there a way to circumvent this behavior, or will I have to work around it?

Just weld it to the players hand, or use a Motor6D optionally if you want to animate the player or the object. Don’t turn the object into a tool. If it’s a model, set a primary part and add the weld/Motor6D.

I personally prefer Motor6D’s because they offer not only a more versatile approach, but they also are really easy to implement and get working, and also super easy to adjust the hold position.

If you want to use Roblox “Tool” instances, your best bet is to listen to .Equipped and change the attachment behavior at that point.

If you’re willing to use Models instead of Tools, I’d recommend creating attachments in each tool for “Right Hand” and “Left Hand” hold points. Using IKControl objects you can pretty easily make the character grip the tools however needed based on the positioning of the attachments.

Just welding or using Motor6D’s isn’t the best solution imo.

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