I want to make it so Player2 doesnt make the other player fall over to the floor. As you can see Player2 is “heavy” and causing the other player to fall when pulling them around. (I used a rope attachment to achieve the pull)
You can try ‘Part.CustomPhysicalProperties’. There, you can set the character’s weight and stuff. Here’s a script from the Roblox Creator Hub that makes the character light and bouncy:
for i, BodyPart in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
if BodyPart:IsA("Part") then
local Density = 0.3
local Friction = 0.1
local Elasticity = 1
local FrictionWeight = 1
local ElasticityWeight = 1
local PhysProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(Density, Friction, Elasticity, FrictionWeight, ElasticityWeight)
BodyPart.CustomPhysicalProperties = PhysProperties