Disabled Scripts Not Greyed Out in Beta Explorer Panel

In the new Beta Explorer panel, disabled scripts no longer have their titles greyed out in the Explorer window. This behavior makes it difficult to differentiate between enabled and disabled scripts at a glance.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Open the Beta Explorer panel in Roblox Studio.
  2. Disable any script.
  3. Observe the script’s title in the Explorer window.

Expected Behavior:

The title of a disabled script should be greyed out in the Explorer window, making it visually distinct from enabled scripts.

Actual Behavior:

The title of a disabled script is not greyed out, making it indistinguishable from enabled scripts.

After (Current Behavior):


Before (Expected Behavior):


This change negatively impacts the workflow by reducing visual clarity when working with multiple scripts in the Explorer.

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This is a known gap right now. Double checking with our designers to see how they want this with the new styles, but this will be back before release (with a patch hopefully soon?).

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Thanks for the fix!

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