Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

Yeah, it should be a setting somewhere lol


One thing I always wanted is a “Select similar objects” option. It could search the entire baseplate for objects with the same meshid or same textureid or same union id or for the same part shape and material and size. Would be very useful to find stuff that with time gets placed all around the workspace.


[bug report]

note: im running vinegar, an unnoficial port of studio for linux, meaning that i dont know if that bug also happens on windows/mac os

selecting an instance from the new explorer by using the properties tab selects nil instead of the actual selected instance

this bug happens for all types of instances that have a properties selection this way, for example weldconstraints.

lastly, this same bug doesnt happen with the next gen explorer beta disabled.


For now you can use console to change the Parent property of the Instance.


One huge thing that for me must be added is:

Disabled scripts are not greyed out in this new explorer. Its very important to see the disabled scripts in my game since I use this often to disable or enable scripts at runtime.


Also tried doing CTRL + D to duplicate but nothing happens (do I need to setup keybinds?). The duplicate option in the context menu works tho.


Explorer v0.11

This doesn’t have a lot of the more complicated stuff yet that requires C++ changes, but it does have this:

  • Disabling scripts now grays out the names of the scripts
  • Fixes some bugs related to items being lost from the Explorer when they were deleted, including an error relating to tree descendant count going under 0.
  • Fixes instances being lost on expand when you drag them into something too fast.

Very nice update to the explorer to start the year. Welcome back from the Winter break!


Currently missing the ability to right click or double click to rename an instance, as it was really nice for renaming scripts and other instances quickly.

Second this, having the explorer be wider makes this even more inconvenient.

Along with this the delay between your second time clicking an instance to rename it seems to have been changed once again, if it has (which it feels like) please change it back to what it was. Its practically muscle memory at this point to begin typing when it should let you change the name

(It also feels more inconsistent now)

You can click to choose an instance and then click again to activate rename state, and you can also use Enter key to rename after selecting an instance. Also you should be able to find the Rename option in right click context menu.
If none of these works for you, could you please share a screenshot or screen recording for us to understand better?

If you click on Search bar, you should be able to find an option to search for all same MeshId instances.
Do you think this can solve your problem?

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Yes that does help a lot with the problem.

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Appreciate all the hard work you and your team are doing.

Please bring back the ability to freely scroll with the mouse while having something selected. Without it, the current behavior limits many things I want to do in the Explorer window.


This behaviour is too disruptive for me. The double-click delay is WAY too long and the toggle that seems to have it able to be turned off doesn’t work (unless I am misreading it).

I liked the old behaviour where I could double-click at any speed and it will rename it as long as the mouse is on the text. The new behaviour is not ideal for my workflow as all other applications that I use allow me to double-click as fast as I want to rename without expanding or having to use the context menu


Could you offer more details on this issue?
In the new Explorer, you should be able to scroll after selecting an instance.

We actually didn’t change the double click behavior, which means these should be the same as the old Explorer: quick double click will expand the hierarchy, and click again on a selected instance will give you the ability to rename.
Also, you can press Enter as the hotkey to quickly activate rename ability.

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Of course!

If I select an instance by clicking once and then release the click, I can scroll without any issues.

However, if I select an instance by clicking once and holding the click, then try to scroll up or down, it doesn’t work.

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We haven’t found this issue on our new version.
Do you mind checking if you are on Explorer (V0.10) or (V0.11)? If not, could you try restarting Studio and see if the issue fixed for you?
If you still find it being not able to scroll when dragging an instance, can you share a screen recording for use to investigate?
