Disabled Scripts

i usually rename all my disabled scripts to include “REFERENCE DO NOT USE”

this is a much better idea


It’s never really a problem anymore, but it did get me a few times when I was new.

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I support this idea. It is really annoying to currently disable & enable scripts when testing, especially if you do not know which ones you’ve edited. This would be a simple addition and wouldn’t affect anything other than the issue.


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100% support, always causes problems when I look back at old projects.

pretty clever owo

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Ah yes, everyone’s been there - trying to figure out why a script wasn’t working only to find that it was disabled.


7 days pass by, when I checked this is now 13th in all time topics.

This is definitely a highly sought-after idea

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This would come in very handy. Full support.

Would love to still see this come out possibly! The amount of times I keep checking my code and online to find it just being disabled lol

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And now they have this exact feature but for UI, so it doesn’t seem it would be too hard to implement


That is true, but should’t it just gray out the icon it self rather than just give it that “fade” tint on the text?

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I mean as far as I’m concerned either way would be an improvement

Filed this and will report back with any feedback/questions!




I can’t believe this was finally implemented!
Thanks so much for the support everyone!! :grin:
This proves that we can all make the right adjustments if we work together.


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