[Disabled, See Update] New Experiences Have Team Create Enabled

Hi Developers,

We are rolling back our most recent update. Please find more information here: Changes to Roblox Product Development Process.

Thank you


Thank you for listening to us :pray:, and explaining.


Thanks, closing the poll

Gosh, people listen these days!


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roblox listened to the community for once…

i liked it that way.
please make it the way before

uhh it forces the game to be cloud saved, which fills the data with empty baseplates that are never used again


I wrote a lengthier reply on the follow up, but the long and short of its relevance here: I still want to know the nature of discussion and considerations that went into trying to push this feature forward. Even if the update is gone (for now), discussion shouldn’t die down because of it. That’s how Roblox gets their free pass to silently attempt it again in the future and smack us in the back.

The only staff reply was to state that this update is rolled back and link to a thread that says the exact same thing about this update but that’s it. There’s no details, no explanation, nothing - not even on the communications that says they’ll dedicate themselves more to developer community feedback. I would like to see more in terms of a response, not just leaving out explanations because the update is gone too. Such a controversial update warrants a heartier response so we can understand the why.


It was a button that you could toggle as well as being a beta.

I agree with you here roblox doesn’t really ever actually end up engaging with us.
They have talked about it over a dozen times and always just eventually fall off.
There probably aren’t going to be polls for the updates, they will only actually engage with the people who make them to most money, and they will also likely not give us a way to simply request features.
I have seen many a feature request that “I will talk to the design team about” that doesn’t change anything.


Oh cool, they actually listened. I never liked team create anyway, as I develop solo. While we’re at it, can the servers be upgraded for once?

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Thanks for listening to us for once!


Definitely agree with this… Offline studio would be extremely beneficial (for me) and what I do and overall this would be an awesome feature.

Not only, it would allow for anyone to develop on the go, but Roblox isn’t going to imepment it, it’s as easy as downloading your Game…

For what it’s worth, I’m serious about wanting some communication about why Roblox felt this update was necessary given how impactful it would’ve become, and I will continue to push for communication about a rationale here until I get one. This to me was one of the worst updates in recent memory and that makes it exceptional for me to understand what was going on here.

Even if it’s been called off, there is absolutely no guarantee that it won’t come back in some form silently or more “intuitively” and a month later I can’t wrap my head around any potential reason why either. Is it simply being out of touch with the developer community and aiming to adapt technologies and practices by other tech companies or did it have anything to do with any future plans for cloud integration or what was this for?

I’m not content with a hand-waved dismissal of this feature and communication on it. Committing to improving communication with the developer community has its merits and I’m thankful for that but it doesn’t address anything about this update besides not acquiring feedback first for such a game-changer to our workflows. I still need to know the “why” here.


A couple days short of 2 months but just to make sure this thread doesn’t get locked before I get an explanation (or you could remove this post, lock the thread and ignore me, which I would not like at all), posting again asking for clarification about the decisions and discussions behind this update. Again, I’m serious about wanting some signal, just saying “update disabled” is not helpful.

The only things that are possibly coming to mind about the motivations of this update are anything but positive and it’s pretty upsetting for that to be the case. From discussions with friends to the classic “corporate doing corporate” ragging, I’ll never figure out why, and I would like someone who was involved with this or has any insight to communicate and put this matter to rest. I am not confident at all that Roblox is safely locking this away; sometimes, they attempt things again silently or with compromise that favours the original vision more than developers’ feedback.

Some of the bad-off assumptions I’ve had here were the lack of consuming feedback from the developer community (which has improved recently, don’t get me wrong), trying to appease to some investors’ vision of the platform’s future or chasing some new tech fad, all of which sound like poor justification for why any time was put into making this a reality.

Did Roblox not realise how much storage space they were up to go and waste, which would in turn blaze through financial resources and possibly even affect our own cut or the services that we’re able to access? Do they not understand that wide use should not move into forced use? Why are offline features starting to become more taboo of a topic here instead of working to support them; why such a deep reliance on cloud services which are not even entirely reliable?

I don’t want someone who might be thinking of answering to walk into this thread, quote each question above and then respond that way; that’s not what I’m asking for, and it hasn’t been what I was asking for over the last few times I’ve posted here. I want to get a deeper insight on this update, its motivations and if we can be sure such a silly thing won’t be tried again in the future despite MANY of us, top developers and not, asking for the complete opposite for years.

I’ll be back again if I don’t hear back.


I believe they thought it would make their product look better if Team Create was enabled because:

  • No auto saves
  • Crash studio? Don’t worry, it’s stored on the cloud.

For beginners, these are a few of many benefits, but it impacts developers who are not beginners as well.

I’m not exactly sure what they were thinking when they made this update. It seems like some sort of marketing decision to me. Why else would they increase their server load?

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It’s that time again and I’m once again asking for communication behind the discussions behind this update, why this was ever considered, and to check in that Roblox has no intent to silently reintroduce this update or make a bad compromise to force this on developers and ruin workflows.

I am thoroughly discontent with the handling of this change. It took almost universal pushback before this was disabled and the follow up was a committal to improved communication by the new product leads; despite this, any time I have asked for communication here or even on the follow up thread itself have been met with utter silence, and dare I not mention what’s going on with 17+ experiences.

I simply won’t accept no answer for an answer unless there is a substantial reason why Roblox has decided to end all communication about this update yet provide no reassurance that this won’t rear its head again in the future when it’s faded from everyone’s minds. If communication and community feedback are to be a bigger part going forward (and they never should’ve been left behind either), then I would really like someone to explain what the move here was.

It doesn’t matter if this was for security and moderation reasons, a perceived improvement to the developer workflow, feedback from top developers or whatever. The update is cancelled (for now) and that’s half of what’s brought me peace to continue developing on the platform. Though I am still going to keep pushing for communication on why this update was attempted.

Once again, I will be back in two months if I don’t get some signal here.


6 days away from the 60 day mark but posting a bit in advance here. I’m not done asking for communication and a reason why Roblox felt this update was in our - or their own - best interests.

I don’t really have anything more to say, speculate or any further words to air out my grievances any more than I already have; and while I am getting tired of writing large posts every 2 months I come back here asking for a proper reply regarding this, I am not getting any less tired of wanting communication on the motivations here.

A short post this time, but once again: I will be back in two months if I don’t get a satisfactory reply.


4 days short, another 2 months, another reply. I have nothing more to say that I haven’t already said in my previous posts as of right now, and I am still upset at how silently this update was removed with no follow up no matter what open avenues I reached through.

Maybe there’s a liability issue or something that prevents this, I don’t know, but for now: still asking for communication about the reason why Roblox felt this would be an appropriate update to push through without surveying developers or adding good reason.

See you again in two months.

ETA 01/24/2024: I can no longer reply to this thread due to new limitations. That is unfortunate, yet, I still want an answer as to what was going on here.