Disabled SurfaceGui still swallows input

If you have two SurfaceGuis on the same face of the same part, with a button in the same spot, only the first one created will receive input. Buttons, etc on the other SurfaceGuis will not be clickable no matter what. This is true even if that SurfaceGui’s Enabled property has been set to false.

Expected behavior

A SurfaceGui should no longer swallow input when it’s disabled.



Please provide a repro file with exact steps.


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DisabledSurfaceGuiRepro.rbxl (39.7 KB)

Repro steps:

  1. Open the provided place file
  2. Hover over the TextButton inside of the SurfaceGui and notice that the color changes on hover
  3. Select the SurfaceGui and use Ctrl+D to duplicate it.
  4. Select the original SurfaceGui and set its Enabled property to false.
  5. Hover over the remaining TextButton inside of the duplicated SurfaceGui and notice that the color no longer changes on hover. This is because the disabled SurfaceGui is sinking the input.
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A fix for this just went out. Please let me know if you still experience this issue.


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