Disabling certain tools while a humanoid is on low health

Im trying to create a system where when you are on low health you are no longer able to move and cant use weapons (using a older fe gun kit version) and where the only way to be saved is by using a first aid tool to heal with, the issue is cant get the weapons to be unuseable while downed.

Ive already tried just disabling the tools using .Enabled on the tool but cant figure out where FE gun kit even does the “make the gun go pew” part.

Im currently trying to make a script that instantly unequips a tool that it is parented to if the player is downed, all i need help with is the unequipping part. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for the information ALE11, heres the script i used:

function equipped()
	wait(.01) --has to be added otherwise it doesnt work for some reason lol
	if script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.PlatformStand == true then


I also made the humanoid unequip tools when its downed, if you dont wanna do that simply make the script do the functiong when the humanoids state changes

I think you mean this? Humanoid | Roblox Creator Documentation