Disabling Character Sounds after morphing

Hi, I’m trying ot change the morph script my game is using so that it disables the Running and Jumping sounds after the player receives a morph, as keeping those sounds breaks the immersion of the game.
I’ve tried removing the sounds when the player connects, but as soon as you pick a morph, the sounds come back despite not being part of the morphs themselves.

This is the morph script I’m currently using:

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.ChangeChar -- Event is triggered by a button in the StarterGUI
local swim = game.ReplicatedStorage.Swim

	local Char = model:Clone()
	local Pos = player.Character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
	local name = player.Name
	Char.Name = name
	player.Character = Char
	swim:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
	Char.Parent = workspace
	local RootPart = Char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	local Running = RootPart:WaitForChild("Running")
	local Jumping = RootPart:WaitForChild("Jumping")

	Running.Volume = 0
	Jumping.Volume = 0

I’m not seeing anything in the output window that hints at what the issue could be, so I was hoping someone here might have a solution.

Update: After looking around some more, I’ve found that the sounds can be removed completely by copying the RbxCharacterSounds script from StarterPlayerScripts from a Play session in Studio, and removing the references to the locations of the sound files in question.

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