Disabling/Configuring the Chat Box

So, I have been spending probably the past 2 hours searching for a way to remove the chat box and only enabling the bubble chat but have had little luck (what happened it used to be so easy when ROBLOX had options for it in settings?) anyways does anyone have working methods for this? I have only ran into dead roads.

It looks like Roblox removed the option to enable/disable classic and bubble chat in the game options. I found this post a few months ago when I had the same issue:

This part was most useful to me:

Let’s change our game’s chat type to Bubble Chat for our example. In a LocalScript preferably under ReplicatedFirst, set this up:

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")

Chat:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function()
    return {
        ClassicChatEnabled = false,
        BubbleChatEnabled = true,

Hope this helps.


I wandered upon the same code earlier, it seems to disable my bubble chat and have only the box chat in the gui

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Abreviations: CCE = ClassicChatEnabled; BCE = BubbleChatEnabled

If you were to put CCE true and BCE false, that would leave you with the chatbox without the chat bubbles. If you were to put CCE true and BCE true that would leave you with the chatbox with the chat bubbles. If you were to have CCE false and BCE true that would leave you with the chat bubbles without the chatbox. If you were to have CCE false and BCE false that would leave you with no chat.

You should check over your own code, because this one disables the chat log (ClassicChat) and enables the chat bubbles (BubbleChat). I don’t think the code you’re using is the same as what was posted in my tutorial. That one is explicitly about configuring settings without forking the chat system which was inspired by the many threads about changing the chat type where forking was a common (and bad) suggestion.

Try running the following in the command bar: game.Players:SetChatStyle(Enum.ChatStyle.Bubble)