Disabling F3X Explorer

Sup guys, I saw a lot of people making F3X games and trying to disable the explorer button because of how abusable it is. It’s kind of annoying to remove since if you delete the whole script, the F3X tool just breaks, so I’ll show you guys a really simple way to disable it.

Go to the ‘Explorer’ module script
(BTools > UI > Explorer)

Scroll down all the way to the bottom of the Explorer script and paste this script in to where it should go.

 -- Display window
    return new(ImageLabel, {
        Active = true,
        Layout = 'List',
        LayoutDirection = 'Vertical',
        AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(1, 0),
        Position = UDim2.new(1, -100, 0.6, -380/2),
        Width = UDim.new(0, 145),
        Height = 'WRAP_CONTENT',
        Image = 'rbxassetid://2244248341',
        ScaleType = 'Slice',
        SliceCenter = Rect.new(4, 4, 12, 12),
        ImageTransparency = 1 - 0,
        ImageColor = '3B3B3B'
        -- Window header
        Header = new(TextLabel, {
            Text = '  EXPLORER',
            TextSize = 9,
            Height = UDim.new(0, 14),
            TextColor = 'FFFFFF',
            TextTransparency = 1 - 0
            CloseButton = new(ImageButton, {
                Image = 'rbxassetid://2244452978',
                ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(0, 0),
                ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(14, 14) * 2,
                AspectRatio = 1,
                AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(1, 0.5),
                Position = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0),
                ImageTransparency = 1 - 0,
                [Roact.Event.Activated] = props.Close

        -- Scrollable item list
        ItemList = new(ItemList, {
            Scop = props.Scope,
            Item = state.Items,
            ScrollT = state.ScrollTo,
            Cor = props.Core,
            IdMa = self.IdMap,
            RowHeigh = state.RowHeight,
            ToggleExpan = self.ToggleExpand

return Explorer

I deleted the last letter of each of the variables at the bottom, which bugged the script and broke the Explorer tool, and then I set the image and text transparencies to ‘1 - 0’ which made them invisible. Hope this helps!


Exploiters can still delete every part ingame, even if I made a F3X free build, I wouldn’t leave that as it is, it will be way easier to limit each player to thier own parts.

You can make a part ownership system.
If your map set to locked, players can still select the map through the explorer meaning that they can literally delete or destroy the map. You can’t do that without the explorer.

And most popular F3X games have a part ownership system which is pretty much a requirement.

If you have a part ownership system, you don’t have to disable explorer…

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I have a part ownership system, the map can still be easily accessed through the explorer?

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I disabled the explorer in my game by just ripping out the explorer frame in the f3x tool

I actually never thought of that… will try next time lol but I’d still disable the script for whatever reason also just to guarantee myself that no ones gonna delete the map