I’m making a game right now, and I just tested with someone who had said that the potrait mode had squished the game’s UI’s together, and made it in general hard to play because they don’t like portrait mode. Is there a way to disable portrait or mode?
game:GetService("StarterGui").ScreenOrientation = Enum.ScreenOrientation.LandscapeSensor
is the orientation of the device. LandscapeSensor
is always in landscape. You can, if you want, set a specific side for the landscape. LandscapeLeft
sets the device to landscape where the home button is on the left side. LandscapeRight
puts the home button on the right side.
You can learn more here
Anyway who is seeing this now, you just have to change the screenorientation in landscapeSensor in the properties for startergui, right click it and look for ScreenOrientation then scroll down to look for landscapeSensor, you don’t have to make a script for it (and it works)