The Documentation and open source website are back up now! This message will be removed in V1.3 for more information on 1.2 please join the support server.
Introducing Discblox, a discord bot that uses the roblox api. Current it can only get information, but we’re planning to be able to use the post api allowing you to rank users in your group, sending shouts and more! Discblox takes full advantage of the roblox api and will send you data quickly.
Current Commands (V1.1):
-Help (View a list of all commands)
-Info (Get information about the bot)
-info-new (Combines help and info into one command and more)
-pinfo (Get a users information)
-usertoid (Convert a username into an id)
-outfit (Generate an image of an oufit from its id)
-listoutfits (Get a users outfits)
-gameinfo (Get information of a roblox game)
-link (Link your roblox account)
-unlink (Unlink your roblox account)
-gold (Temporarily Disabled)
-docs (Discblox documentation)
Upcoming (Not all of these are commands):
-Post Requests (Be able to send data through the api to do actions eg, Rank people in a group)
-Web panel
-Web api (Execute commands through a url)
-More Commands
Why us?
Because we are always connected to our community, taking in feedback and fixing issues.
We update frequently (About every week).
We have great 24/7 Services.
How? It’s free to use and will be open source in the near future. And with the api feature planned you will easily be able to encorporate it into your games.
If the bot doesnt use slash commands, I recommend switching over to them for discord as they are just generally better to use. (Im basing this by the fact that your commands list are using dashes and not slashes)
A post requests and web api command is very risky, and some of those roblox api actions do require either a cloud api key or your roblox security token, might be best not to create those commands specifically.
I understand that it isnt open source, but this does seem like an advertisement of your discord bot, please make sure not do to do that!
Its a feature in the works and its not necessarily the discord bot but more of what it does.
Here is an example on how it will work.
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Url = ""
local IsSuccess, Result = pcall(function()
return HttpService:GetAsync(Url)
if IsSuccess then
local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(Result)["data"][1]
local groupname = data["name"]
print("Group name: "..groupname)
warn("An error occured.")
And if you’re like “Well I can just do that with the normal api”
Discblox uses multiple api’s to form one request.
i’ve tested it out on my server, it’s okay right now for basic usage
some points:
“discblox gold” - why charge, especially currently when you have so little credibility. at least wait until you’re popular to suddenly lock features behind paywalls (seriously please don’t do this)
make the /pinfo command accept usernames, not ids as they’re harder to get
maybe add a /search command for games again so you don’t need the id
ik that you’re opensourcing later but the sooner you do it the more people will trust the code and install the bot
more commands overall
disclaimer: currently working on a tiny but similar open-source bot for roblox game servers - it’s for a different kind of scenario tho (mediawiki integration)
V1.1 Release Notes:
-New Commands (+2)
-Removed Commands (-2)
-Removed commands will stay until next update
-Removed Gold (Will come back in the future)
This update was a short one as we only had 3 days instead of the normal week we planned.