Yes dm me on communication server.
Update V.1.0.3
-Added better error handling
-Added logs channel
-Work started on dashboard and appeal system!
Cool project! I would love to know what language you codded the backend in!
The backend is written in javascript.
Disco-Roblox new update V.1.0.4
-Updated roblox script
-Now you can setup group and players permissions in roblox Settings script to prevent kicking or banning admins. You need to replace your roblox script for a new one.
I would like to see stuff like live player counts and possible adding like a ingame gui for kick and ban that logs to your discord server. But it works and is cool! (Also would like to see a self-host option for the discord bot)
I was just thinking about a stats thing for the discord bot and you could run a command like /stats [gameid] and it replys with a embed and it updates like lets say every 5 seconds or whenever someone join/leaves. And the embed could time out after like 30 seconds or so.
Also as a way to earn something from this project you could charge to like have private bans that donât show in the database with adding onto the above reply about stats and stuff so like faster updates and longer embeds (for stats).
More updates coming soon.
I have something in plan. Just need to make it.
Thanks for feedback!
Such a great item! Thanks for creating this.
this is interesting, however it does raise a few flags
- everything is being ran through the OP, meaning if you donât trust them 100% i wouldnât recommend using it
- its open, which in theory is good but of course is prone to lots of abuse which is sometimes not as easily identifiable as it may be made out to be
- you do not have autonomy over who you ban nor your banâs database.
overall if your really aiming for a secure airtight banning system, youâd have to make and host your own. but if your new to web development or making a smaller game that wouldnât require as much effort then iâd consider this a good option
Disco-Roblox new update V.1.0.5
-Lowered latency in bot and site
-Removed kick
No script update required
I absolutely recommend this; it doesnât cause lag in my game and is 100% efficient. Keep it up!
Disco-Roblox new update V.1.0.6
-New command game config
-Minimum account age for join(Config using /gameconfig)
Roblox script update required for this feature!
Disco-Roblox smaller update V.1.0.7
-New suggestion system for bot, other players can suggest a ban and moderator can ban him easily. (/setupsuggestbans)
-Inactive server will get their games deleted automatically(no ban within 30days)
Dashboard and new main site are almost done, also API for banning users in game.