Introducing Disco-Roblox! An easy way to manage your game using discord!.
With Disco-Roblox you can use moderation commands using discord, without hosting anything!
And the best its completely free!
Support Server:
Easily manage users using kick, ban-unban!
See playersBans using our site
Easy interaction using slash-commands.
Use UserId or username.
LocalPlayerStats- See player bans only on your server.
GlobalPlayerStats- See player bans from all servers.
Timed bans.
Easy way to link your game.
Get players stats using our API.
And more to come!
Update V.1.0.2
-Pernament bans
-Better command handling
-Status site
Update V.1.0.3
-Added better error handling
-Added logs channel
-Work started on dashboard and appeal system!
Disco-Roblox new update V.1.0.4
-Updated roblox script
-Now you can setup group and players permissions in roblox Settings script to prevent kicking or banning admins. You need to replace your roblox script for a new one.
Disco-Roblox new update V.1.0.5
-Lowered latency in bot and site
-Removed kick
Disco-Roblox new update V.1.0.6
-New command game config
-Minimum account age for join(Config using /gameconfig)
Roblox script update required for this feature!
Disco-Roblox smaller update V.1.0.7
-New suggestion system for bot, other players can suggest a ban and moderator can ban him easily (/setupsuggestbans)
-Inactive server will get their games deleted automatically(no ban within 30days)
Dashboard and new main site are almost done, also API for banning users in game.

Post your ideas here!
Do you have any cool ideas?
How do i setup this?
The setup is very easy just follow our documentation.
Do you have any questions? Post them here, we can help!
Seems interesting. The only problem I have with this is the fact that you can still search up bans of Players on your website, if Developers use your scripts? Why is that so?
Yeah everyone can see others player bans.Thats why its open “for everyone”.
So others can see if the player is legit or just troller.
Hm, but what if they were falsely banned with this system, or banned as a joke in their friend’s game? Wouldn’t that cause a bit of misunderstandings within Developers?
I know about this.As i said this is still in development.
Others can look how many times the player was banned and go with this.
So its now only for orientation.
Very interesting , this is what i want , im totally lazy to open roblox studio to add ids of exploiter , for now on with discord im able to ban player muahahaha btw keep it up !
first of all , what even the hell is this ? like why u obfuscate it
Its for security reasons and prevention from exploiters.
And routes protection.
If you want normal script you can contact me on discord.
edited : yes this project is legit so its safe to use
It is serversided right? Exploits cant access server and obfuscation means nothing to them
Additionally, it is important to note that obfuscation can be easily reversed and does not provide any significant security benefits.
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Yeah i got that now.
I wasnt sure about it
Would it be possible for you to release the unobfuscated source code of the module for developers to view openly, rather than providing it only upon request? This would greatly enhance the trust between you and developers who are considering using your module, as having visibility into what is being integrated into our games is crucial for ensuring security.
Yes it will be in next update.
its fine to use i got the real script .
Why is this obfuscated? I will not use this unless this is deobfuscated.
Time to deobfuscate this mess I guess
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Could you please send me it? I dont want to waste time on deobfuscating this
Hi do you have the secret key same?